Captain Marvel & Aquaman

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That Billy. Ugh.

Courtney's sweet little boyfriend probably walked into a trap.


Okay, he IS the World's Mightiest Mortal. But that is ONLY if he transforms.

As himself, he's just a regular boy. Sort of..

Cosmic belt on, Cosmic Rod in hand, Stargirl flew as fast as humanly possible to where Billy last texted her.

She arrived just in time to see him collapse at the entrance of some fancy tower.

"Billy!" No sound came out of her lips.

She noticed the absolute silence. Whoever was in there found a way to block all sound. That meant Billy couldn't use his word to transform. He was a sitting duck.

She'd so kill him for his stupidity if the bad guys don't beat her to it.

The door slid shut with Billy behind it.

Rushing to the door, she blasted it with the full power of her cosmic rod.

Seconds dragged into minutes. Slowly, she burned a hole large enough to crawl through.

The entrance led to a giant lab that was a maze of corridors. Room after room lined the corridor. Some rooms with glass walls held all kinds of equipment.

The silence was broken by the sudden thrumming of machines, chatter of workers and various activities.

That probably meant they just gagged Billy so he can't transform.

An arm grabbed at her.
She caught the arm and flipped the body attached to it at another guard heading her way. Other than these two, no one else was in sight.

She stripped the outer uniform off the smaller guard. He smelled like rotten eggs. Don't these guys ever bathe?

Holding her breath, she wore it. It was one-size-fits-all  stretchable.

Passing herself off as a guard, she walked through the maze of corridors searching for Billy.

"This kid? Dangerous?" Snorted a guard talking to his companion as he walked out of the room.

Courtney slipped in before the door closed. Billy was tied to a chair and gagged.

Swiftly, she cut the gag and stepped back.


Lightning struck Billy transforming him into Captain Marvel.

The heads of the attendants snapped up.

A red blur swirled around the room.

Courtney blinked.

Every attendant now lay unconscious on the floor.

"Thanks Stars!" The Captain grinned.


"Barry's here." Marvel punched a hole through a thick metal wall.

As he walked to the console beside the frozen Flash he heard metal clink on the floor behind him.

"Diana." Dread filled Captain Marvel as his vision moved from Wonder Woman's rage-filled eyes to her bare wrists to her open bracelets on the floor.

Those bracelets were more than for defense against sharp projectiles. They restrained her power enough for her to stay in control.

Without them, her full power unleashed would drive her into an uncontrollable rage.

The Secret Life of Billy Captain Marvel BatsonWhere stories live. Discover now