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An hour and a half into the party and people are still gawking at me. I glance at them, they look away, and when I move my eyes somewhere else, they look back. It's a routine I've grown to hate. One that I didn't have in Canada.

I make my way to the garage where Evan is trying to convince Olivia Carter to join his band.

"If you'd just give us a chance—"

"You can't take no for an answer, can you?"

"No, darling, I cannot."

She catches my eye and the scowl on her face is replaced with a big grin. "Jaxon!" She runs to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I breathe in the familiar scent of whatever apple scent she uses. "I didn't believe it when Pax said you were back!" She holds me at arm's length and smacks me square on the head. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I like to keep people on their toes." I grin, but Paxton's younger sister only rolls her eyes and blows a piece of red hair out of her face. I take a step back before she hits me again.

It actually hurts.

"You know who's gonna be really happy to see you?"

"Everyone?" I cock my head. "I already knew that."

Liv scoffs. "I was talking about the team. They weren't at their best last year. But I'm glad to know you're as cocky as ever." She glances behind her. "I've got to go, Evan's gonna try to recruit me again. But let's play some beer pong later. I've gotten better."

We all know Liv sucks when she's drunk, but she's also headstrong so I just nod.

As the party continues, I talk to too many people and I'm starting to get annoyed hearing everyone say, "we missed you", "let's hang out sometime", and the worst one: "how are you doing?".

"Oh, you know, kind of struggling to breath in the crowded house and pissed off at everyone and everything, the usual. What about you?" Seems too depressing and inappropriate for small talk—so I let the "how are you" question hang in the air. Not that they actually care, it's just obvious manners.

"I didn't think you'd come back."

I turn to the voice. "I heard the team sucked without me."

Mason shoots me a lazy grin. "Coach benched me halfway through the season. That's why. Are you back for good?"

Hopefully not. "We'll see. Why'd you get benched?"

"I didn't go to practice enough. He got pissed." He drawls just as something behind me catches his eye. "I'll catch you later, dude."

He walks over to the front door and talks to a girl with brown skin that shines perfectly in the light. I make eye contact with her for a second and I inhale just as she turns away. She looks like...no, this girl has tattoos and blonde hair. Plus, she's hanging around with Mason. They leave quickly, but it couldn't be Lucy. The reminder of her, however, makes me think of my brother.

I suddenly don't feel like partying. Having a conversation with Mom beats sitting around here. And that's saying something. The front door is so close too.

"Let loose," Paxton laughs as he walks up to me. He's already drunk. "Drink something." He shoves a cup in my hand. I notice people staring so I pretend to take a sip.

All for show.

Paxton has his arm loosely around another girl. I don't recognize her, but she looks like a freshman clinging to Paxton like he's her life support.

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