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Too embarrassed to go to Jaxon's after, I lied and said I had a headache. They drove me home and I told Jaxon we'd study on Wednesday night. Well, Wednesday came faster than I thought it would. I've spent the last few days sitting Mom, being with family, texting Jaxon (my favorite), reading, and even writing. I've also been watching their football practices—which I most definitely am not complaining about.

"Do you think they get tired?" I ask Olivia without taking my eyes off the players. Specifically, the player with the number seven on his jersey.

She snorts her answer. "Have you seen number twenty? Jared Montgomery can barely walk a mile without wheezing."

I tear my gaze from Jaxon and look over to Jared. Poor boy. He's really struggling.

"Montgomery! Get it together or you'll be benched for the season!" Coach yells on to the field. Olivia and I exchange a smile.

"I don't know why Coach has him on the field for games. I personally think he should be benched." Olivia shrugs and takes a sip of one of the water bottles. "I actually think Coach is being bribed by his parents. Or maybe it's just some deal he made with Montgomery's parents."

"What about Paxton? Does he get to play in games?" I only ask because I'm wondering about Jaxon, but I don't want to come right out and say it.

A rare proud smile lights her face. "Of course. He's the quarterback, the star of the game." She glances at me. "Isaac plays too. Mason, well, I have no idea if he's gonna be on the field this year. And Jaxon will most definitely play."

"Really? He's not penalized for being gone so long?"

She shrugs. "I don't think so. Coach loves Jaxon and he's one of the best players on the team. He'd be stupid not to let him play, and Coach is anything but stupid."

My eyes find Jaxon's again. "He's one of the best players, huh? I bet he knows it too."

She sighs. "They all do."

Jaxon's house is eerily silent that I start feeling uneasy. He's barely said a word since we left practice. I wondered if maybe he was upset at his performance today, but he did really good. Coach didn't yell at him once.

"Where's your parents?" I ask as we walk up the stairs—mostly because I need to make sure I'm not going deaf.

"Working," He shrugs. Despite my wanting to concentrate, I watch his very broad shoulders move up and down. I mentally hit myself.

When we get upstairs, I wrack my brain with something else to say. I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. "What's in there? An office?"

Jaxon looks at the door and clears his throat. "That's my brother's room."

"Oh," I wince. "Sorry."

He only shrugs again.

I make my way to his desk when we walk into his room. "So, I don't have my notes, but—"

"I have the ones you threw at me." He says lightly pointing to his drawer.

I yawn, roll my eyes, and glance at the notes on the desk. "I didn't throw it. I gently tossed it."

"Yeah right. If Coach saw the throw, you'd probably have a spot on the team."

I pull the chair out for him. "Sit down, start doing your work."

"Give me a second." He starts digging in his closet and then walks to the bathroom.

I yawn again and shake my head to wake myself up. Mom had a sucky night again—she cried and cried and all I heard was her crying. Even after she stopped, the sound echoed in my mind. I'm so annoyed at myself for not being able to do something as simple as sleep. I should be more than capable of it. Maybe I should look into one of those box fans...but I know I'd feel more uneasy if I couldn't hear her.

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