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Almost two weeks pass by, and I spend most days waking up by Luna's side, sneaking back to my place, showering, going to school, meeting her and Paxton at their lockers, spending some lunches in a quiet classroom with her, and football practice with Luna watching from the bleachers. On good days I get to take her back to my place and we study—mostly. On bad days I have to say goodbye after practice and then she heads back in Paxton and Olivia's truck to her house. I usually sneak over later at night, and I get to spend the rest of the night lying beside her. Or I call her, and we stay on the phone all night.

I've never actually felt this way about a girl and I'm high on the feeling.

One night she was in the middle of reading when she abruptly pulled away from me. "Jaxon, how many girls have you let kiss you?"

I had paused. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious."

"Three—wait, no, four."


"Only one of them matters." I looked at her. "You." When she smiled and rolled her eyes, I continued. "Why are you curious?"

"It's just that I know you have a lot of practice with girls, but—"

I laughed then. "Don't tell me you don't." She looked at me seriously then and understanding dawned on me. "But Paxton said—"

"Paxton and I never happened," She said quickly. "He kissed Lola Kevins. Not me. Never me."

Lola Kevins and Luna don't look anything alike. Paxton's an idiot, but what else was new?

"Wait so, who did you kiss? You know, before me."

It took her a minute to respond, and when she did, it was in a low whisper. "No one."

"Ever?" My mouth dropped open.

"You don't have to make a big deal about it. I just never had the time." She shrugged. "When was I supposed to kiss a guy? I've been one of the school's pariahs for as long as I can remember. I don't get as much attention as you'd think."

I knew the Stone's weren't popular, but Luna is hot. Dark hair, blue eyes, full lips, gorgeous body. A guy would have to be stupid to pass up a chance to be anywhere near her.

"Wait," I had thought of something. "You're telling me that I was your first kiss then?"

"Well, actually, I kissed Bobby Pickens in the first grade. But that was because he tripped, and our lips crashed together. If we're talking about real kissing, then...I guess so."

A pride filled me then. Knowing that no guy—aside from Bobby I suppose—had ever kissed Luna made it feel that much more special. She was mine through and through.

Today's September sixth. Luna's birthday. I didn't even know it was her birthday until Juliana had knocked on her door—I had slept in since we didn't have school—and said, "Happy birthday, Luna. Did you lock this door so I wouldn't get my birthday punches in? The second you walk out I'm gonna punch you."

Sneaking out of her house this morning was a lot more difficult with Juliana roaming around. But I tend to see her anyway. She leaves a few minutes after I do to wherever she goes at four in the morning. I always have to hide in a bush like a moron.

At first, I wondered if Luna knew about it, but then I made up my mind that it was, in fact, none of my business.

I spent most of the day walking around the mall with Paxton and Julia. Paxton dragged me over to get a gift for Luna. Julia came too, though she doesn't know who the gifts are for.

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