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One in the morning I wake up to crying.

I go back to sleep at three.

Four in the morning I wake up to screaming

I go back to sleep at five.

Six thirty in the morning, I wake up to more crying.

I stay up the rest of the morning.

Corey comes in around eight o'clock in the morning to make sure I'm up. "We leave in half an hour."

I give him a nod before continuing with my hair. Earlier, I read for a few hours before showering and getting dressed. Because we're grocery shopping later, I threw on a grey plaid dress over a white collared long sleeve shirt, paired with white sneakers. I only got a little over three hours of sleep, so my brain isn't working as fast as it should. One can only hope Jaxon is smart enough to handle most things. Today certainly isn't a day for explaining simple subjects.

I tie my curly hair to the side and put Jaxon's shades over my head. Because they're cute, not because they're his. The quick thought of Jaxon encourages me to grab my phone and text him.

I hope to see you in a suit and tie later.

He texts back instantly.

a suit and tie is right under talking to corey on my list of things not to do

Too bad. I was looking forward to it.

Guess I'll have to wait for homecoming.

you going to that

Was that a statement or a question?

a question


I don't know. Probably not.

I don't usually go to those types of things.

Are you?

havent decided

im leaning towards no

Are you telling me...

THE Jaxon Gray...

Is skipping school activities?

You're heartless.

so ive been told

I laugh and put my phone down. Jaxon is something else entirely. Too bad no one but me can see that. I find myself excited for today, for our study date.

Well, study session.

I head downstairs at the same time as Joseph, but he hesitates when he sees me.

"Are you okay?"

I give him a weird look. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You look...happy,"

"Is that a bad thing?"

I pass him down the stairs as he says, "I guess not."

The second we join Corey and JJ in the kitchen, my dad trots in behind us. "Are you guys going somewhere?"

"Church," JJ says as she miserably picks at her oatmeal with a spoon. We're out of cereal so that's all we've got.

Dad raises his eyebrows. "Oh, is it Sunday already?" All four of us stop what we're doing and stare at him. That's how it started with Mom.

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