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"It's been so long since a nice young couple shared a plate, I call this the Lady and the Tramp dish." Kara smiles down at us. New wrinkles curve around her pink lips. I don't comment on how in the movie, they shared spaghetti not ravioli. "Enjoy your meal."

We both stare at the plate sitting in the middle of us. Apparently, when Jaxon told her he'll have what I'm having, she thought it meant we'd share.

"We're not together," Jaxon blurts, and I watch Kara's face slowly morph into embarrassment.

"He's just kidding!" I say quickly because there is no way I'm going to make her turn around and get another plate of food. Plus, in case Jaxon makes me pay my half, it'll be cheaper this way. "Baby, tell her you're kidding."

Jaxon frowns at me. "What?"

I kick his leg under the table. "I'm sorry about him. He likes to tease."

"Not a problem." The old lady smiles. It reminds me of my mother's smile and my heart swells. "Enjoy,"

When she gets far enough, Jaxon turns his gaze to me. "What was that? Baby?"

I shrug. "I didn't want to embarrass her,"

"So, you lied?"

"Fibbed." I correct even though it means the exact same thing. "And I don't see what your problem is," I pick up my fork and stick it into the food. "It's not that big of a deal."

"We didn't get what we ordered."

I tilt my head. "Does it kill you to share? Or to have manners?"

"Yes, yes it does."

"Suit yourself, you don't have to eat anything."

"That's not what I meant." He grumbles and grabs his own fork. We eat in silence until the plate is completely empty. At one point, Jaxon basically fought me for a ravioli even though he had plenty on his side, but I stabbed his hand with my fork, and he let go instantly. It baffles me that Jaxon cannot seem to understand "stay on your side".

Kara comes around shortly after we finish eating and asks if everything was going okay, we agree and tell her we need the check. But just as she's about to leave, a guy that's selling flowers from table to table, stops at ours. He looks like he's in his late forties.

"Flower for girl, yes?" The guy looks to Jaxon and then to me. "I will sell them to you."

"Oh!" Kara exclaims. "That's so sweet!"

Jaxon blinks. "Actually," I kick his leg under the table, and he gives me an exasperated look. "We'll take one." He mutters. The guy hands me the rose and Jaxon hands him a dollar.

"Wow, you're such a great boyfriend." I tease when everyone leaves. "I think I'll even post about it."

"Are you gonna tag me?" He challenges. "I bet Stone would just love that. Let's find out, yeah?"

I roll my eyes. "Fine, you win."

After we pay and head out, I make sure no one is around and then dart into his car. At first, going into Jaxon's car was so intimidating because of how sleek and clean it looked, but once I was inside, I loved it. He has these pillow things on the seat that made it nearly impossible for me not to fall asleep. When we get the money, we're definitely going to buy pillow seats for our car.

"Why do you feel the need to do that?" Jaxon asks when he settles into the front seat. It takes me a second to figure out that he's talking about my dash to the car.

"Because," I shrug. "Corey could be anywhere."

"You're so paranoid." He scoffs and starts the car. I'm about to insult him back when his phone starts to go off. "Who is it?" Jaxon asks as he tosses it to me.

I barely catch it and glance. "It's Paxton,"


I answer it and put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Did I dial the wrong number again?" Paxton grumbles from the other end of the line.

"No," Jaxon says. "Luna's with me."


"We were eating,"

Paxton blows a whistle from the phone speaker. "A date!"

"What do you want, Paxton?" Jaxon rolls his eyes.

"I'm at my house, just wondering where you were."

"I'll be there soon."

"Okay, take your time." Paxton laughs. "Pretend I'm winking."

"I'm hanging up now," Jaxon says and then motions for me to turn it off.

"Have fun, lovebir—" I hang up just in time for Paxton not to finish his sentence. He can be a lot sometimes. The traffic is horrible, so I put Jaxon's phone down and lay my head back on the headrest. The pillow thing is so comfortable, I want to sink into it forever.

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