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When Jaxon mentioned his football game, I didn't expect to be heading toward the bleachers the next day, but here I am. It's just because he has done so much for me—like keeping my family's secret—that going to a game didn't seem like such a big deal to me. It's the least I could do. I assumed it'd be fun. I've never been to a football game, but my presence wouldn't turn the world upside down, it wouldn't cause a chemical imbalance in my life, I probably wouldn't even be recognized.

I was wrong.

As I walk to an empty spot, I feel eyes on me. Too many eyes. They're burning holes. I wonder if they realize I don't belong here at a school sports game. I'm sure they do if the whispers are any indication. I swear one guy threw some popcorn at me. Another girl boo'd and all I did was walk.

My heart is pounding in my chest by the time I find a seat in the corner. Mary Langley sits a couple feet away and she gives me the dirtiest look. I hear her mutter to her friends that I'm crazy brave.

I force myself to forget about them and focus on the field, waiting for Jaxon to show up and suddenly make my decision to come here worth it. Because right now, the only thing my mind is telling me to do, is run.

I tried to look for Olivia or any other person that doesn't treat me like a complete outcast, but after making awkward eye contact with enough people, I gave up.


I lift my head and see Jaxon's parents in front of me. Mrs. Gray gives me a wide smile. I've never been so happy to talk to someone in my life.

"Hi!" Seeing them gives me so much relief that my greeting sounds too enthusiastic. I try to even it out with a question. "You guys came to support Jaxon?"

"Of course! We'd never miss one of his games." She tells me. "I've never seen you here before. First time?"

"I don't usually come." I admit. "It's my first game."

Mrs. Gray glances over to her husband before settling back on me. "Well, you picked great seats. Mind if we sit?"

My fear of being alone overrides my fear of people seeing me with Jaxon's parents. "Please, sit." If it came out a little desperate, that's because I am.

For the next five minutes, they take turns informing me about what to expect. Today's not a big game, the opposite team is our school's biggest rival, but apparently, they haven't been doing good this season. According to Mr. Gray, we have this one in the bag. I admit it's a little awkward without Jaxon here, but it's more awkward to just sit around and wait for someone to throw a soda can at me. Which is very likely considering their glares.

When Jaxon's parents begin talking to one another, I take that as a chance to answer my phone that's been vibrating in my jeans for the past couple minutes. I expect it to be Corey asking if I'm okay or Juliana complaining about me doing something without her, but I'm pleasantly surprised to find out its Jaxon.

hey where are you sitting

nevermind i cant come to you right now

can u come to me


are you okay

I stare at his messages. Why wouldn't I be okay? Does he know something I don't? Did something happen? Is that the reason everyone's staring and whispering or am I just being paranoid?

Hey, I'm sitting with your parents.

I'm okay, why?

meet me at the guys locker room

front door

I excuse myself, telling Jaxon's parents I have to use the restroom, and then I'm on my way to the locker rooms. I have no idea what he needs, but it better be good because the looks I receive from everyone is getting worse as the crowd gets bigger. My heart is racing again, but I think it has more to do with where I'm going than it has to do with my rude classmates.

I physically pause when I turn the final corner. Jaxon leans against the wall, one foot propped up behind him, his eyes scanning his phone while he holds his hoodie over his arm. He's dressed in his football uniform, and he looks...well, he looks good. Of course, he does. There's something about gameday that has him looking a little different. Adrenaline, excitement, a bit of nerves, and something else...sadness? That can't be right. Football radiates off his skin and I don't know why I ever hesitated to help him get back on the team. It's clear that he loves it, and the game hasn't even started. Though I can't shake the feeling that there's something I'm missing.

He looks up and catches my gaze then.

I think I like seeing gameday Jaxon as much as I like practice Jaxon.

"Hey," His lip quirks up. "You're in trouble."

"I am?" My voice comes out a little breathy.

"You do realize what you're wearing, right?"

I look down at my jeans and t-shirt. "Uh, yeah. I didn't realize there was a dress code."

"White and gold." He clarifies, and when I give him a confused look, he continues, "that's the team we're playing tonight, babe—Dayken Prep's colors. I'm surprised you're still standing. The academy doesn't play around about sports."

Suddenly the looks and whispers make complete sense. I'm an idiot. A complete and utter idiot. Why didn't I think that through?

I groan and rub my forehead. "Well, that was stupid of me."

"It's your first time. Don't beat yourself up. Catch." He tosses his hoodie in my direction. His Rose Thorn Academy hoodie. "You can wear it, so people don't try to tackle you. There's no reason we both have to worry about that tonight."

"Thank you,"

He gets a message before he can respond. A frown touches his lips. "I got to go. Coach is looking for me."

"Goodluck tonight."

He grabs the door handle. "I'll make the winning touchdown tonight. For you."

I pause. "That sounds awfully cocky, seeing as how you haven't even played yet."

"What can I say?" He shrugs. "You bring it out."

He gives me a wink before disappearing inside the locker room. I stare at the hoodie for a minute after he leaves. He gave me his hoodie. I don't know what Jaxon and I are. I don't even know if we could be anything, with us being a secret and all that. All I know is that I told him I wanted him, and he told me he wanted me too. I want everything with him. The late nights, the communication, the kisses, the PDA, the date nights. I want a relationship with him even though there's so many things in our way. But this hoodie, the gift he's given me, makes it seem like all those problems float away.

And as I walk away, his hoodie engulfing me in his beautiful scent, I can't help but think that forbidden fruit has never tasted so good.

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