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"It's beautiful," I look at the field of gorgeous flowers. I've never seen anything like them before.

"Yes, it is," Jaxon says, but his eyes are trained on me not on the flowers. I feel my face growing red as he closes the space between us.

He cups my face in his big, beautiful hands. "Luna," My name sounds like heaven on his lips—a little more than a whisper, a little less than a prayer. His touch feels like a dream.

"Jaxon," I whisper back. His eyes dart between my lips and my eyes for a loaded moment. Before I know it, his lips land on mine in a completely soft kiss—

The sound of knocking jolts me awake.

"Wake up!" Corey calls from the other side of the door. My first thought is that I have to hide Jaxon, then I quickly realize that it was all a dream, and my last thought...my last thought is of the way his hands felt, and the way his lips touched mine so gently. The way my name sounded on his tongue. The way—

Stop, Luna! I mentally yell at myself.

I can't be dreaming of Jaxon Gray. Especially not while Corey is in the other room. If he knew I was dreaming of Jaxon, he'd probably end us both. I don't know why movies and books make it seem like having a secret with a guy is this hot thing. The only thing hot in this situation is me when I'm sweating because of my nerves.

After a shower, I throw on my white button up, blazer, and a grey skirt. I was up late again last night—but this time it wasn't because of my mom. It was because of Jaxon. He kept me up asking question after question. It started out with math, then literature, and it slowly moved to the book I'm writing about.

I've never told anyone about my writing, so it was a really big moment for me. He listened really well and even gave me a few suggestions for the book. They were playful suggestions, of course, like having the guy's name be Jaxon and have every girl fawn over him.

"It's a good idea. He'd be pretty popular," He had said.

I laughed and shut him down. "In your dreams, kid." Then he proceeded to argue with me about our age difference and how he's older than me. He was pleasantly surprised that I knew his birthday, but the pleasantness wore off when I told him that it's the one day of the year that Corey is in an automatic bad mood. Corey complains that Jaxon gets unnecessary attention for doing something as simple as being born. It's also difficult to forget his birthday when his friends hang up banners and posters and say it over the intercom at school.

We ended up talking until I heard someone go to the bathroom at two in the morning. It was probably JJ since the boys have a jack and jill bathroom, but paranoia got the better of me.


I get in the car beside JJ and watch as her fingers type away on her screen.

"Seriously?" I glance at the name she's texting. "He doesn't care about you."

My sister doesn't register my comment. "What was that?"

"Never mind." I shake my head and look out the window. If she wants to text Mason, then she can do what she wants. But it's obvious that he couldn't care less about her.

A part of me can't blame her for doing what she does with him. She's using him as a distraction just like I am. I only wish she would distract herself in a much healthier way, one that won't hurt her in the end.

Like Joseph....well actually I don't really know what Joseph does. He's just there. And I guess Corey distracts himself by taking care of us. He's always been the dad—even if no one at school would believe it.

Big and bad at school but big and dad at home.

My phone buzzes in my hand and I smile at the name that pops up on my lock screen. Jaxon has that effect on me lately.

where are you

In the car, heading to school. You?

just got to school.

I smile and notice his period.

Did THE Jaxon Gray just use a period?!

haha i guess i did

dont worry

i wont make the same mistake again

I'm such a good influence.

your definitely something


whatever mom

ill see you at school

I slide my phone in my blazer pocket with a smile glued to my face. The moment I look up, Joseph catches my eye in the car mirror. He raises his eyebrows before looking away.

The drive to school isn't long, and I race to my locker. I don't know why I'm rushing, but I am. Since Paxton's locker is right next to mine, he starts going on about his night. I, unfortunately, I have to hear his stories most mornings.

"How was your night?" He asks suddenly.

"It was fine,"

"Do you like Jaxon?"

My head swings to his direction. "What?"

"I said 'do you want to see me in action'?" He furrows his eyebrows. I'm going crazy.

"In action for what?"

"Were you not listening?" He groans in exasperation and closes his locker. "I've been getting better at my throws lately. For football. Do you wanna see?"

"Football? Will Jaxon be there?"

We both blink at my question. Neither one of us expected me to ask that. Neither one of us know how to respond.

I try to save myself quickly. "I'm only tutoring him so he could get back on the team. So, is he? At practice again?" I already know the answer. Jaxon told me last week, but Paxton doesn't know that.

Understanding dawns on him and I sigh with relief. "Yeah, he got his spot back last week. Between you and I, Coach was always gonna let him back. He just likes to see us stress a little. It amuses him, I think."

"Between you and me." I correct him. "But that's a little twisted."

We start walking to first period together because we're too late for homeroom. Even though he's a senior and I'm a junior, we share homeroom and first period—math.

Jaxon and I don't have any classes together. Sadly.

Wait. Not sadly. I'm glad we don't.

"So, are you going to come later?" Paxton asks when we finally make it in to class.

"Why not?"

"Great! I'll find you after last period."

"Wait, this is after school?" I question and he nods like it's obvious. I didn't think about that. "Then I can't go. I wouldn't have a ride." I say it awkwardly because it's embarrassing that everyone at Rose Thorn Academy has their own car aside from us. Another reminder that we don't belong.

"Liv and I share too." He says, and it makes me feel better about the situation. Paxton does that a lot, he makes people feel good about themselves. It's why all the girls love him. "I'll give you a ride if you want. And Liv stays after so you can keep her company on the bleachers."

I should say no... "Oh, perfect." I smile instead. "Thanks."

He messes with my hair before leaving to sit with his friends—Britney and Isaac. I head to my spot in the front of the class and sit alone.

Something in my peripheral catches my attention. Jaxon's at the door nodding a "hey", I smile at his sudden appearance and start to wave back until I hear giggling. Britney, Paxton, and Isaac all wave like maniacs to Jaxon. Putting my hand down, I slump in my seat. He was waving to them.


I don't look up again.

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