[3] : 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡

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You made it to the park with Dre, and Harry greeted you both while dribbling the ball. He called out to both you and Dre, waving slightly.

"Heyy! Dre! Yunoa! You finally made it with Dre.", Harry said. "Yeah.. well he was struggling to ask for help so I found him..", you replied. Harry just chuckled and Dre glared.

"Well Dre, this is where we are playing basketball. You want to join us..? Or no..?", you asked. "Yeah I'll play.", Dre said. Harry then passed him the basketball. You then turned and nodded at Harry. "Tell them that Dre is joining us.", you said. Harry nodded and started speaking in Chinese to the other boys that were playing with him. "Alright. It's us four against them four alright?", Harry instructed to Dre. He nodded.

You guys started playing on the court, you grabbed the ball and dodged the other boy, when he tried to smack it out of your hand. And you halted and bounced the basketball around him tripping him slightly before running up to the hoop, and jumped up and tossed it into the basket, scoring the basket. The rest was shocked, and your team cheered. Dre was amazed by your skills. And Harry smiled. "Yeah! Yunoa!", Harry said and held out his hands, and you gave him a high-five. You then passed the ball to the other boy on your team, and he grabbed it and Dre called out to him.

"Pass! Pass!", Dre shouted. And he passed to him and Dre try to score it but if flew past the hoops and your team were not so happy. They turned and looked at him. Dre felt a bit embarrassed. "Uh.. sub.. sub! My hands has some jet lags.", Dre tried. You sighed and not noticing the girl that was watching the scene.

Dre then left and you sighed before Harry looked over at you. "Yunoa!", Harry called. You turned to see him looking at you. "Yeah..? I'm listening. What is it?", you asked him. "You okay?", Harry asked you. "Oh.. yeah I'm alright. Hey listen. I'm gonna go see something really quick.", you said to Harry. Who nodded. "Sure Y/N. Join us anytime alright?", Harry asked. You nodded your head and left.

Dre turned and smiled gently at the violin girl. She smiled shyly. Then a ping-pong rolled to him and he picked it up.

You saw Dre picked up the ping-pong ball and walked over to the older man. And you saw him look over at someone. And you realize it was the violin girl. You seen her around before but never caught her name. And you don't talk to her much either. You only had Harry as your only friend when you first moved here, you guys became best friends. Then you smiled slightly when you saw that Dre finally found someone to crush on. You then proceed to watch and saw Dre get badly beaten by the man.

The man was going 10x competitive. And you saw the violin girl giggling at him.

"Come on man! I'm 14!", Dre whined.

"Ow! Oh!", Dre groaned when the ball keep hitting him in the face.

"OH!", Dre said when he blocked his face with the racket he was holding.

"Damn.. Dre this is why you don't.. mess with the elder man..", you mumbled quietly. Then shook your head slightly.

You then got up and walked around until you saw Harry and Dre sitting on basketballs. So you joined them and walked over to them. They both greeted you, when they saw you.

"Hey, Yunoa.", Dre greeted. You smiled slightly and nodded.

"Here Yunoa, you can sit right here.", Harry said. Then he gestured for you to come and sit by him. You nodded and walked over to him and sat on the ground pulling your knees up to your chest and carefully listening in to what they are talking about.

"Y/N..? You want a basketball? To sit on..?", Harry asked you politely. Dre looked over at you. "No, I'm okay. Thank You though..", you said and smiled slightly at him.

"You sure Yunoa..?", Dre asked in. You nodded your head. "I'm okay, it's okay.", you said. They both looked at you a bit but nodded.

Dre's Point Of View

I sat out on a basketball with Harry. Yunoa was sitting on the other end of Harry, and I looked around the park to see what the other are doing. Y/N just quietly looked around bored.

"He is really good. I've never seen him lose to anybody.", Harry said to me. And Yunoa turned and looked over at me while nodding softly.

"Yeah..", I said then glanced over at the girl with the violin again.

Yunoa saw that I was looking at someone and followed my gaze and started.

"Dude.. Dre are you going to talk to her or just stare at her..?", Yunoa asked me calmly.

I looked over at her slightly shocked, and that end up catching Harry's attention. And I blushed madly when Yunoa mentioned that. And I pretend I didn't know what she is talking about. But Harry catches on quickly.

"T-To.. Who??", I asked a bit flustered.

"Dude. To the girl you've been staring at.", Harry said and pointed to my crush.

"Dude. I wasn't staring at her.", I said slightly blushing from it.

"Dre.. get in there. I know you were staring at her. So yes you were.", Yunoa said boringly. "You can tell Harry, that Dre is blushing anyways..", Y/N added. I glared over at her. Harry chuckled, making the situation worst.

"I know.", Harry said to Y/N. "You should go talk to her. Unless you are scared.", Harry continued. I looked over at both of my friends.

"I am not scared of anything dude.", I said bravery. Harry and Yunoa looked at me.

"Then do it.", Harry said. "Get over there Dre.. come on. I know you want to, now do it.", Y/N added and looked over at me.

"Cool. I'll do it right now.", I said again to both my friends that are looking at me.

I then started walking over to her, slightly nervous but I was going to show my friends. That I am not scared of talking to her.

End Of Dre's Point Of View

You and Harry both turned and smiled at each other and fist-bumped each other.

"Mission Accomplished. Nicely done Harry..", you replied calmly, earning a chuckle from your best friend. And you both watched the scene.

"Look at that Y/N. Dre did it, he's right now dancing in front of her. You see it?", Harry asked and nudged your arms. You quickly turned and looked over at Dre and felt a small smile creep up on your face. "Beautiful.", you said. "Yes, so beautiful.", Harry chuckled.

You and Harry continued to watch. Until you quickly stood up. Harry saw you and looked at you. "Y/N..! You okay?? What's wrong??", Harry asked you worried and stood up as well.

You turned and looked at him. "Who is that?", you asked a bit bitterly. You did not like anyone who is trying to hurt your friend.

"Which one..?", Harry asked a bit confused.

"The one walking over to Dre. Actually I need to get over there.", you said and quickly walked toward Dre, and the girl he's been crushing on. Harry quickly turned and looked at you worried.

"Y/N..! Don't!!", Harry called out to you worried.

"I bet this is his girlfriend or something..", you muttered while making your way through.

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