[6] : 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡

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You left the class and went to lunch, and saw Dre coming through the other side. You called out to him. "Dre..!!", you called and ran over and tackled hug him. You haven't talk to him yet. Dre stumbled at your tackle and you smiled visibly at him. He hugged you happily.

"Y/N! I thought I wouldn't see you, I missed you!", Dre said. You shook your head then pulled away smiling lightly at him. Then you realized his fading black eye.

"Dre.. your eyes.. does it still hurt??", you asked and examined his face carefully. Dre blushed slightly at the closeness. But replied.
(A/N: Sorry! But Dre is so Cute! ☺️)

"It only hurts a bit if you touch it..", Dre said. You sighed softly and nodded, and hugged him one last time. "As long as you are okay.. I'm glad.. and sorry but you can go get your food. After your done you can join me at the table.", you said and smiled slightly at Dre. Then was about to walk away but Dre called you softly.

"Your not going to eat..?? Aren't you hungry??", Dre asked you worried. You shook your head in a soft manner. "I'm okay I'm not to hungry. And.. Meiying is coming over. Go ahead and talk to her, don't worry about me.", you said and left to find an empty seat far from everyone else. You did not like sitting by people. You rather want to be seated alone.

Dre sighed at you and went to get his food, while struggling with the chopsticks until he felt someone gently touched his hair. He turned and saw Meiying. You watched them talk and sighed softly with a gentle smile. Then pulled out your book to continue where you left off. While reading your book you felt someone stand in front of your table. You grew annoyed and looked up to see Liang and Zhuang with their tray of food. You sighed irritated.

"What, do you want?", you asked unamused.

"Geez. Y/N we just need somewhere to sit. Why do you hate us so much anyways?", Zhuang asked you, and took a seat in front of you along with Liang who slowly sat down.

"Go sit somewhere else. Don't sit near me.", you said ignoring Zhuang's question. Then looked at your book once again ignoring both Liang and Zhuang.

"No, I think we like it here. But seriously Y/N why do you hate us so much?", Zhuang asked and both them not making attempt to move, away from you at all.

You looked at him. Well isn't that the most dumbest question you have ever heard.

"You have got to be kidding me. You seriously want to know? Isn't it obvious to you?", you asked bluntly and shut your book. They both looked at each other a bit.

"I mean.. that's why we are asking.. we just want to know.. You act so hateful toward us when we didn't do anything to you. We tried to be nice and talk with you but you still hate us a lot.. ", Zhuang said. You almost scoffed at him.

"When you go around beating my friend up? I dislike people who goes around and beat my friend up for apparently no reason at all.", you replied coldly and calmly. Zhuang and Liang sat there a bit confused.

"What? We didn't beat Harry up.", Zhuang said. You were quickly to correct him.

"Not him. Dre. You beat Dre up for no reason at all.", you said flatly and coldly. "Plus. Your lead dragon gave him a black eye.", you said clearly.

Now this caught their attention as they sat there stunt for a minute or more.

"What??? Dre??? Your friend???", Zhuang and Liang both said in disbelief.

You were about to reply, but your eyes glared coldly and harden when you three heard a loud crash and saw food knocked all over Dre's uniform making a mess on it. And you saw Cheng with his hands up as he apologized.

"Soooorrrryyy.", Cheng said so sarcastically.

"Come on dude!", Dre shouted angrily and slightly pushed Cheng.

Then Mrs. Poe over there came in. Not even being helpful either.

"Mr. Parker!", she said holding Dre back. "He just slammed the tray all over me!", Dre shouted angrily.

"Mrs. I apologized but he pushed me.", Cheng said acting all innocent.

"Whatever he is saying! He is lying!!", Dre said angrily.

"Mr. Parker go.", Mrs. Poe said pushing Dre to the other side. Cheng then bumped shoulders with Dre when he walked by then the teacher told him to leave.

"Mr. Cheng go.", she said pushing Cheng the other way. Who seems satisfied.

"I hate this place!!", you heard Dre shouted.

You gritted your teeth and stood up to try and go after Dre, but Liang locked your legs back with his legs from under the table, which made you sit back down. And struggled to leave the table. You glared over at him, but he gave you an apologetic look, and didn't let go. (A/N: That's possible isn't it??)

"Let go..!", you hissed in Japanese. Making Zhuang and Liang looked at you not understanding what you said in Japanese. You struggled to free your feet away. Until you felt someone take a seat right beside you. "Whoa. Yunoa you joining us?", Cheng asked shocked to see you with his two best friends.

"What is your problem??", you asked coldly and gave Cheng a glare. Cheng was shocked and had no idea what you were talking about.

"What are you talking about???", Cheng asked confused at what you meant.

You gritted your teeth, and gripped your book tightly to not raised you voice at him. Although you were really angry for everything he did. Liang and Zhuang sat there quietly and shocked slightly and watched you both, although Liang didn't attempt to let go of your leg that he held locked under the table.

"All you do is bully Dre everyday and make his life a living hell. Dre never did anything to you. Yet you beat him up and bully him. Beating people up isn't going to help you win Meiying.", you spoked angrily and glared at Cheng, making him shocked at how you knew he liked Meiying.

"All of you need to stay away from us. And let go..!", you hissed angrily, and broke free from Liang's foot grip.

Then stood up and walked past the three of them, and to the front and glared angrily and hatefully at all the people still talking about commotion from earlier.

"Damn fools. Shut your damn mouth and mind your own damn business.", you said angrily in Japanese. All of them were shocked and quickly shut up when they saw the most hated glare shooting there way from your cold eyes. They may not understand Japanese but they definitely knew you were very angry. You then walked out and quickly tried to find Dre and where he went off to.

Cheng and his friends sat there completely shocked, as Cheng was fisting his hands together and glared at the poor table. Liang and Zhuang looked at each other then to Cheng, what is happening to them these feelings keep running through their body. Although Zhuang and Liang didn't like anybody but they wanted to be honest to you. Cheng was feeling the same way, he wants to be honest to you and Meiying but it's hard.

Anger, Hurt, Confusion, and Jealousy.
The Words Keep Repeating.

< • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • >

" Beating people up
isn't going to help you
win Meiying. "

< • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • >

" All of you need to stay away
from us. "

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