[17]: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Author's Note:
My reader I am so sorry for the delayed update! I have been quiet busy lately! But I have the next chapter for you! Apologies my reader! I'm still trying to update as soon as I can! So here you go! Enjoy!!


You hissed as you limped your way to Mr. Han's place. Your cuts are pretty ugly and opened wounded covered in blood, and still bleeding badly, and it hurts like hell. You made your way into Mr. Han's area and slightly opened the door, catching Mr. Han and Dre's attention. Mr. Han was just getting ready to do his fire magic, while Dre is looking at you worried he wanted to scowl you but his body was slightly hurting.

"What happened to you??", Mr. Han asked and quickly stood up handing you his aid-kit, and pulled a chair for you to sit down by Dre.

"I scrape myself while trying to find Dre..", you muttered quietly.

"You should be more careful.", Mr. Han said.

You looked over at him and nodded. "I know I will be careful next time..", you said.

Mr. Han nods and went to heal Dre, while you watched him careful why covering up your wounds. Dre looked over at you still a bit worried. But then Mr. Han started performing his healing on him.

You were completely shocked at the healing technique Mr. Han was doing and you came to conclusions that Mr. Han isn't just indeed a maintenance man, but rather also a Kung fu master judging by what he did back there.

"What's up with the light bulbs, Mr. Han?", Dre asked him.

"Shh.", Mr. Han shushed him quietly and continued the healing.

Dre watched him, grab the fire and into his hands and rubbed it around his hand before he rubbed it on Dre's chest. Then Mr. Han removed the lightbulbs from Dre arms and Dre started up again.

"I thought you were just a maintenance man.", Dre said.

"You think only with your eyes, so you are easy to fool.", Mr. Han said.

Dre moved a little before, then he told Mr. Han with a surprised tone.

"It doesn't hurt.", Dre said. Then Dre glances over at you to see you slowly standing up.

"Y/N, are you okay now?", Dre asked you. You nodded your head.

"I am now, don't worry.", you replied. Dre felt relief that you were okay.

"Good Y/N.", Dre said.

Mr. Han looked over at you to see that you have patched yourself up and neatly handed Mr. Han's aid-kit back and he nodded as a thank you. Then he answered Dre calmly.

"Ancient Chinese healing.", Mr. Han said.

You were impressed and shocked at the healing, you haven't heard of that before.

"How'd you do that out there? You like, didn't even punch them. They beat each other up.", Dre said.

"When fighting angry, blind men, best to just stay out of the way.", Mr. Han answered him.

Dre sat up from his position and gestured for you to come sit next to him, while he pulled over his shirt and you sat by him on the cushion Mr. Han has and you both turned over to Mr. Han and Dre continues to talk while you sat quietly by Dre and listened carefully.

"So where'd you learn Kung fu?", Dre asked him.

"From father.", Mr. Han answered him.

"Have you ever taught anybody?", Dre asked him. Mr. Han stayed silent for a moment, before answering him.

"No.", he said.

"Would you?", Dre asked him, and you slightly turned over to Mr. Han, hoping that he would.

"Depends.", Mr. Han said.

"On what?", Dre asked.

"Reasons.", Mr. Han said.

"What about to kick somebody's ass?", Dre asked. You slightly glared at Dre.

Mr. Han stayed silent, then looked at Dre through the mirror but said nothing for a few seconds.

"Best fights are the ones you avoid.", Mr. Han said.

"What if I wanna avoid getting my ass kicked?", Dre asked. "Dre stop talking..", you said and Dre looked over at you for your reason as to why you wanted him to stop talking. But Mr. Han interrupts you both.

"Stop saying 'ass' ", Mr. Han said. Dre looked at you and you nodded muttered something.

"Exactly my point..", you muttered quietly.

"Sorry.", Dre said. You then saw Mr. Han bring over a glass of water for both you and Dre to drink.

You nodded as a thank you, when he handed you it, so you took a sip of it.

"Kung fu is for knowledge, defense.", Mr. Han continued. "Not to make war, but create peace.", Mr. Han finished.

"That's definitely not what they're taught.", Dre slightly disagreed.

"No such things as bad students, only bad teacher.", Mr. Han said. This one really caught your attention, your eyes widen slightly. "What does he mean by.. that...?", you thought.

"Oh, that's great.", Dre said and stood up after he saw you stand up.

"I guess we'll just stroll into their school and talk to their teacher.", Dre said and stood up next to you.

"Good idea.", Mr. Han said.

"No, bad idea.", Dre said.

"If I go in there I'll get my ass-", Mr. Han gave him a stern look, and Dre quickly corrected himself and word it differently. "I'll get beat up.", Dre corrected himself.

"You'll get beat up anyway.", Mr. Han said, and you were slightly surprised by his answer. Dre stayed silent before he decided to ask him while walking up to him.

"Will you go with me?", he asked.

"No, sorry.", Mr. Han said.

He then slightly pushed Dre to you, and you held onto him, so he won't lose balance.

"But you said it was a good idea...", Dre said.

"For you. Bad idea for me.", Mr. Han answered him.

"Come on, it's not like you're super busy or anything, and I don't even speak Chinese.", Dre said.

"Your friend does.", Mr. Han said referring it to you. And Dre quickly glanced over at you.

"But Y/N is just like me, do you believe that he would take Y/N seriously?? Beside Y/N is just a girl.", Dre said. And you glared slightly at him.

"Very sorry.", Mr. Han answered. Dre sighed and walked out the door.

"Come on Y/N...", Dre said, and he pulled your wrist out of Mr. Han's place.

Mr. Han fixed his couch a bit and looked out his window to see you and Dre walking away while Dre has his shoulders slightly slumped. And he felt like maybe he should help you both. It seems that Dre really does need help.

"Wait.", Mr. Han called out to you both.


My readers! I hoped that was long enough for you guys!! Did you guys enjoy reading it?? (I hope you did!) Sorry again, that you didn't like it!! I had to rush it a bit, however I know it isn't the best in the world! But I will continue to try to keep it entertaining for you guys to enjoy! And again I'm sorry for such a long wait, but till then I'll try to update more often but I will have to see how my schedule turns on and I'll plan. I'll update twice for you guys as soon as I can!

Till Then My Loves! ❤️

- Your Author Didi

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