Chapter 3

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After getting ready and travelling for around 20 minutes, I reached "our usual spot," which is nothing but a McDonald's outlet on the highway.

It became our go-to spot because it is equidistant from both of our homes, and Prishu is obsessed with burgers while I am obsessed with their Peri Peri fries.

After parking my car, I went inside just to see Prisha sitting at a table in the corner, munching a burger with the speed of a bullet train.

Uh oh, I guess she's actually stressed about something, as she eats like a pig when she's stressed out.

As I approached her table, I noticed she had finished two medium fries.

Hmphhhhh, bloody betrayer.

"Hey, Dear Bestfriend, don't you think you should've waited for me before finishing the fries?"

She looked up, and I couldn't stop laughing at her expression—she looked like a 5-year-old kid with sauce all over her mouth.

"Hii, you're finally here; please sit fast," she said eagerly as soon as she saw me.

"Now listen. I want to tell you something very, very important."

She's getting really impatient today.


"Promise you'll first listen to everything and then react, ok?" Forwarding her little finger, she said

"Dude, is everything fine?" I asked, as I was about to freak out.

"First, promise to not freak out." How did she know? Something is definitely wrong.

"Don't increase my blood pressure; just tell me," she said.

"Noooooo, first promise me," says the girl, who is acting childish today.

Not thinking much now, I also forwarded my little finger and interlocked it with hers while saying,

"Ok, promise. Now be quick'

"So, the thing is..."

the hesitation again.

"Hmm, continue," I said before she starts acting like I was a stranger.

"The thing is, my parents have arranged a blind date for me," she blurted out.

"Wait, What?" I said this because I could not believe what she said.

"What about Siddharth—weren't you both madly in love?" I was taken aback and asked.

"Are we still in love with each other?" she replied.

"Then why the hell did you ask your parents to arrange a blind date for you?" Now my tone was rising a little.

"Who said I asked them?" They themselves planned it with Guy's parents, and now I just know that he's coming to meet me at Blue Nile Restaurant at 11 a.m.," she said with an irritated expression.

"And you agreed?'

"What? Obviously not, but they said all the emotional stuff and...

"Don't tell me you got trapped and said yes."

I was worried about this,because she was also nodding her head.

'Didn't you tell your parents you loved Siddharth, then how can they?'

"Actually, I didn't tell them about me and Siddharth."

But you told me that you told them'

"I said it because I didn't want you to go and spill everything in front of them while I was still figuring out what he and I were about."

'So are you sure now?'


"Then go and tell them."

"I can't do it; that's why I summoned you."

"So you want me to tell them?" ok I'll tell' I was about to take my phone from my pocket when I said this.

"Noooooo" man! She'll make me deaf with her screaming.


"I want you to go on the date that I was supposed to go"


Did I hear it correctly?


"Will you repeat?" I asked her just to confirm whether what I heard was right or not.

"I want you to go on the date that was meant for me," she confirmed, stressing each word.

"No, no, no, I'm not doing anything like that. Why do you want to create this blunder when I can just go and talk to Auntie and Uncle'

"If I wanted to tell, I would have, and I'm even going to." "I just want you to go, do something weird, and make the guy reject you. My parents will think he rejected me, and then I can tell them."

'So why do you want me to go'

"Because my father and the guy's father are friends."

"What is this, a typical Wattpad drama?"

"I know, but please."

Just as I was about to say no, those puppy eyes appeared.

Order no. 250


She shouts and goes to collect the order, and she comes back carrying an Oreo McFlurry.

"So what is your answer?"

She asks while forwarding the McFlurry to me.

Not again; she knows I'll agree to anything if she offers me this.

"You know the answer; now give me the McFlurry."

"Thank you so much."

"Also, I wanted to say that your mom knows that you're going to date on my behalf."

How does she know?

"I told her, after all, I was sending her daughter on a date she should know."

"How did you know I was going to agree?"

"Because you are my best friend."

'No, I'm not'

"Very funny"

"Come on, let's go fast, it's 9:30 already."

"Ok, let's go'

Saying this, we walk out of the outlet.


Hey Everyone!!

So this is the third part.

I hope you all liked it.

So how do you think the date will be?

Do vote, share, and comment.



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