Chapter 4

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If a few days ago someone would have told me to go on a date, I would've laughed at them, but today here I am sitting on the table booked by my father, waiting for the girl—in short, my date.

I look at the time again. 10:45.

"Son, you should not be late on a date; you can be there before time."

I've been here for the past 15 minutes, just as Father instructed.

I also got to know that apparently my father and the girl's father are friends.

Another reason why he wants me to agree to this marriage.

And I'm going to agree too, because in the morning I saw the desire on their faces to become in-laws, and I just want to give them everything they want, even a daughter-in-law.



Having a best friend is sometimes bad, too.

Because I'm now deeply regretting agreeing to go on the date.

But because I agreed, here I am, standing in front of Blue Nile Restaurant, deciding whether to keep my promise or betray my friend because I'm hella nervous about this date situation.

Deciding not to betray Prishu, as she would definitely kill me, and I love my life, I walk in and see the whole dining area.

The only thing I know to identify the guy is that he's wearing a grey suit over a black shirt.

and I found one.

Woo-hoo, he looks hot, but I don't want to marry him.

I don't want to marry anyone.

I'm just here to embarrass myself so that he rejects me.

Thinking this, I move forward towards the table he's sitting on.

"Hello, are you here for the blind date?"

"Yes." the person replied, straightening his posture.

"Oh, so I guess you'll be glad to know that I'm your date." I replied by flipping my hair.

"Oh, a little too confident, I see." he said, observing my act.


"Please have a seat," he said, pulling a chair for me.

such a gentleman.


"So what's your name?"

"Kiara, Kiara Mehra. And yours?"

"Neil Khurana" 

"Oh, nice to meet you, Mr. Khurana."

"Same here, Ms. Mehra."

"So what, should we order first ?I've heard this place serves very good Italian." I said, getting a little excited.

"Yeah, sure" he replied with a very short smile.

Saying this, I read out the menu and was about to call the waiter.

"Sir, Ma'am, what's your order?"

Nice timing, dude.

"One mushroom risotto and a Dry Cranberry Spitzer for me."

And what about you, sir?

"I would have a parmesan chicken salad and a virgin mojito."

'Is this all?'


Hearing this, he went to bring our order while I was thinking about ways to embarrass myself.

"So, what are your hobbies?" He inquired, clearly interested.

Seeing him this interested in all the date matters, I didn't want to just make him reject me, so I went straight to the point.

"See, Mr. Khurana, before you get any ideas about me, I just want to say that I want you to reject me."

"What, then why did you even come here?" He said he was getting a little shocked.

"I'll just put it in simple words: I am not the girl you came for," I blurted out.

It's such a relief to speak out.

"Then who are you?" He asked, clearly confused.

"I'm her best friend."

"What is this, a kind of joke?" and by now he was looking really angry.

"No, actually she has a boyfriend that she didn't tell her parents about, and her parents have set up this whole date situation, so she sent me on her place."

"So you came here just to get rejected?" he asked, giving me a questioning look.


"Okay, so then let's call this date off," he said


Did he just—

"Thank God you agreed," I said, as I prepared to proceed.

Ma'am, Sir, your order

"I totally forgot about the food! Please keep it."

As I told this, he served the food and left.

"So what I was saying was, Yes, thanks a lot that you agreed," I said with a tone of relief.

"What is there to not agree on? Anyways, let's have our food."

We silently ate after that and were ready to leave, when something popped in my mind.

"By the way, would you have agreed to marry me if I was truly the right person for your date?" I asked with a little excitement.

"I was planning to marry the person bec--"


"Nothing. Anyway, I am leaving." he said, getting up

"I wanted to ask one more thing—would you mind clicking a selfie with me?" I asked, hoping he would not bash at me.

"Why?" he asked, surprised.

"Nothing, just a memory of my first date ever with a stranger." I replied.

He really looked very serious and was thinking something at the moment before he spoke up,

"All right, fine," he said.

With this, I clicked a selfie with him, and we both drove to our destinations.

I just can't wait to tell you this news, Prishu.


Hey guys,

I hope you all liked this part.

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