Chapter 14

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Office work is hectic, and it's even more if you add just two days' holiday to it. Along with that, the constant teasing is like the worst nightmare.

I'm happy that finally the day is over and I can get home as soon as possible. Thinking this, I went into my office parking lot, reached towards my car, sat in it, and drove in the direction of my home.


As soon as I entered my home, I was greeted with the most unexpected people and view, and by people, I mean my in-laws.

Now don't bash at me; I'm newly married, and I rarely even have people looking at me as soon as I enter.

And by the view, I'm referring to my lady serving food on the dining table.

Now let me tell you why this is unexpected, simply because normally it's my brother doing the serving.

"Good evening, Neil." Mama and papa together greeted me.

"Good Evening Mumma ; good evening Papa." I greeted them back.

"Arey, Neil, it's good that you came; go and freshen up fast and come down; see, we still have to do dinner; also, your wife has made the sweet dish; go fast and come fast." dad said, and then did something I didn't expect from him.

He winked at me.

Ignoring his really weird behaviour, or in other words, Sid's influence, I gave him a quick nod and went towards my room.

I quickly entered the room, nearly tripping at the entrance, and went towards the closet, and as soon as I opened it, it gave me a minor heart attack.

Everything is freaking changed! My clothes are placed neatly on one side.

But still, I didn't expect this to be the look of the closet,

And it's all because, in my list of the things that would change after marriage, this was not listed, but no problem; I guess I'll manage it.

Thinking so, I quickly took some casual clothes, went to freshen up and change, and then came back down, all within a span of 30 minutes, I guess.

People say that only women are high maintenance, but I believe that sometimes it is the other way around, and it's with me.

Okay, enough with the chit-chat; as I walk down the stairs, I am greeted by the sight of everyone seated at the dining table.

"Bro, come fast; otherwise, you won't get the sweet made by your lovely wife."  Sid said giving me a playful smirk.

This brother of mine...

"Yes, dear brother, don't worry, I will never miss anything made by my lovely wife!" I answered in the same tone, and at the very next moment, I heard Kiara coughing very hard.

Uh-oh, Neil, bad timing for the adjective

"Kiara, what happened, dear? Sid, pass the glass of water fast." Mom half-yelled at him in a concerned tone.

"Kia, calm down. Look up. Shhh. Here, take some water." Mumma handed her the glass, taking it from Sid while smoothly rubbing her back.

And finally, she was back to normal.

"Kiara, dear, you're fine, right?" Papa asked her with a concerned-filled voice while she gave him a quick nod.

"Ok everyone, I guess Kiara is fine now. Let us have our dinner." Dad announced, and we all nodded before taking our respective seats while Sid and Kiara began to serve everyone.

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