Chapter 6

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"What?" I heard Sid literally shouting.

"Sid, are you okay? Do you need something? Why did you shout so loudly? What happened? Are you all right? "Prishaa immediately asked with a worried tone.

And here goes the concerned, loving girlfriend.

"Yes, Sid, tell us what happened, or your girl will just get hyper and increase her blood pressure" I said, very well knowing how Prisha is.

"Actually, Kiara, I guess the Neil Khurana you went on a date with is my brother," he said, causing me to suddenly click something in my mind before saying,

"No, no, this can't be true; according to me, your last name is... Prishu; what's his last name?" I asked her.

"It's Khurana Kia, but I don't think my parents will arrange my date with your brother like you're my boyfriend; how can I be on a date with your brother?" Prisha said in a very factual type tone.

I suppose this girl requires a flashback to today.

"Prishu Just to remind you, your parents don't know about Sid; you only told me this in the morning. Right?" I said and she took a sudden pause.

"Oh shit, why am I so stupid?" and now she started crying. 

This girl and her emotions.

"Prisha, see, nothing happened. He was just my brother who went on a date with a random stranger, so what's the big issue?" Sid said, tryting to calm her down.

Oh,the caring boyfriend,

I wish I had one.


You don't wish.

"You don't understand, Sid." she said, getting really sad.

"So you tell me what's the problem?" He asked.

"The problem is that now, according to your parents, I am the one who rejected their elder son, and by any chance, if he even tells the truth that I switched places with my friend, your parents would think I'm never serious about anything, and they will never make you marry me." Prisha said and I realised that is actually the case.

"I think she has a point, Sid." I agreed with her.

"I know that, Kiara, but there's nothing now that we can do except wait for another 4–5 months till my parents forget all the date situation or my brother gets married, and honestly speaking, both options are quite difficult." he said with a very tired expression.

"Why do you say so?" I asked with confusion.

"Because after many thoughts and arguments with his own mind, he'd decided he'd say yes to whoever comes as his blind date, and today I came to tell Prisha that I guess we can talk to our parents and take things further." He informed us.

"Uh-oh, so do you mean to, by any chance, say that I kind of made all your chances to marry vanish in minutes?" I replied with a little hesitation.

"Hmm, and secondly, even if my parents forget about the date, they won't marry me before bro, because they know that just because I'm to marry next, he'll marry someone, or marriage is a big no for him."

"Uff, why's your brother so complicated, Sid?" I said clearly bumped about the way things are turning out.

But suddenly a thought popped up in my brain.

"But why are we getting stressed? We're not still sure right now that the one I went on a date with is your brother." I said, hoping it would be true

"Oh yes, Sid, we're not sure right now; hopefully he's not your brother, I guess." Prisha said, gathering a little hope.

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