Before Christmas break

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Christmas was coming up. I had looked forward to a break, as the past semester had been tough. More than academically. It had been an emotional rollercoaster. But I would miss Wille. I would miss him so fucking bad. I knew he did not want to go home for that reason. That we would not be able to see each other everyday, as we used to. Therefore we spent the last time we had until he had to go home cuddling in his bed. I could cuddle him all day, everyday.

"Do you mind if I borrow your hoodie, Simon?" Wilhelm asked me.

"You have a closet full of hoodies if you are freezing, baby. Or I could warm you up," I flirted. He grinned.

"I mean, can I borrow your hoodie to take home?" he clarified.

"Why would you want my old worn hoodie?" I teased. I just wanted him to say it.

"Because it smells like you, and I will miss you so fucking bad during the holydays," he said. I grinned.

"I will miss you too," I said. "You can have my hoodie if you want to. But then I am stealing your blue shirt. Just so you know," I replied. He grinned and kissed my cheek.

"Deal," he said. "I would rather have you there, you know." I did not know how we were going to cope. How we were supposed to be apart for so long.

"Me too," I said. "I hope we can meet up sometime this break at least."

"If they don't let me see you, I will sneak you inside anyways, or sneak out myself," Wille said, giggling. I giggled too. I put a strand of his hair behind his ear. Caressed his cheek.

"Don't get yourself in trouble for my sake, baby," I said.

"I am already in trouble because of you, so it doesn't really matter if I get into more trouble, love," he replied. He had refused to deny it was him in that video. He had refused to deny me. That he loved me. And his parents did not like that. At least his mother did not. She wanted to be in full control over Wille and when she could not be, she punished him.

"That is so stupid. It is not like you leaked our own sextape and wanted to be outed in front of the whole world in the first place," I said.

"I know," he said. "Tell my mom that." He sighed. Instead, I kissed him. One act of rebellion. I rebelled against the monarchy in my own little way. That was what it felt like. In reality, it was just a teenage romance. I hated his mother for trying to deny him that. The feeling of being in love was the best feeling in the entire world. I had only felt it one time. Only Wilhelm had made me fall in love that deep. And it was scary, but so fantastic at the same time. But I could not live without it. Without him.

"Oh shit. You will be late for choir practice now, baby," Wilhelm said when he looked at his watch. We had forgotten the time, again. I got up and got dressed in a hurry. Before I left him laying on the bed I kissed him on the lips.

"Good luck. See you later, pretty," Wilhelm said.

"If the choir director lets me live that long, you mean," I replied. Wille grinned.

"Tell her it was my fault you are late," he said.

"It is always your fault I am late, baby," I said and went down to the church.

We stood in the front as the church started filling up with people. Wille sat down next to some of our classmates. I smiled at him. His smile was meant for me. I knew it was. The choir had a few songs to perform that day. "Gläns över sjö och strand" was one of them. I had a solo in that song. I saw that Wilhelm was looking at me. The whole church was filled with people, and I could only see him. The others were a blur. He was on the other hand crystal clear. I sang. The audience applauded. The choir was the first to leave the church after the performance. I waited for Wille with a few other students in the choir outside. It was biting cold and I had forgotten my mittens and my beanie at home that day. I had my hands in my pockets of the silver jacket I was wearing. I saw Wille shake hands with the headmistress and some other teachers. I felt my heart fill up with joy when I saw him walking in my direction.

"His boyfriend is coming, so we better leave them alone so they can have their goodbye kisses in peace," Felice said to some of the other singers in the choir. I made a face at her and she laughed. I turned away from the company I was already talking to, focusing only on him.

"What a good performance, love," Wille said and pulled me into his arms. His compliment made my heart beat faster.

"Thanks, Wille," I said.

"I am going to miss you so bad," he whispered in my ear. I held him a bit closer.

"Me too," I sighed. I knew he had to leave soon. The black car down the street was intended for him, I was pretty sure. I pressed my lips to his. I did not care that everyone was probably looking. We barely kissed when others saw us. We only held hands when others saw, usually. But this was my last chance before he had to leave for home. And I took it.

"I need to go now. But I will call you later. And I hope you will have a nice Christmas," Wilhelm said. I smiled.

"You too. Have a nice Christmas," I said. He hugged me a bit tighter before letting go of me and then he walked towards the car. I stood there, looking at the prettiest boy in the universe walking away from me. I could not let him do that. Not yet. He was already standing by the car.

"Wille, wait," I called out. It caught the whole school's attention, I was pretty sure. He looked back at me. I ran towards him. I had to tell him something. Something true. Something important. I got to him.

"What?" Wille asked. I pressed my lips to his once again. Hugged him close.

"I love you, Wille," I said.

"I love you too, Simon," he said. He kissed me one more time, before he got into the car. The driver looked like he had enough of waiting for him. For Wilhelm's sake, I let him go. A ride with a grumpy driver would not be fun. I waved at him as he left me standing there. I was already longing for him. It had not even been a minute since we had kissed and I already craved him.

"Have you had your sad romance movie good bye now?" I heard Sara's teasing voice behind me. I turned around and laughed. She hugged me.

"I guess so," I said. I was still looking for the car, which got smaller and smaller until it disappeared totally.

"Let's go home, Simon. Lucky you that you fell in love in a time when facetime is a thing," Sara said. I nodded. I could not wait to call him. Just to hear his voice. 

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