The winter break

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"Would you like to come with me and my family to go skiing, Simon?" I asked him over the phone. I was at Hillerska and he was home. I wished that I could have touched or smelled him through the screen.

"When?" he replied.

"During the winter break," I explained. Simon looked at me with big eyes.

"Baby, I don't know how to ski and I don't have any equipment," he said and laughed. "And just in case you have forgotten your mom hates me. Are you sure she wants me to join your family vacation?" I giggled when he did. He had my blue shirt on, looking cute enough to eat. His room was dimly lit, just like mine.

"It was actually her suggestion," I said. "And don't worry about the equipment or that you haven't skied before. Erik and I can teach you."

"Well the whole winter break with you sounds tempting," Simon replied. "I just have to ask mom first, okay?" I nodded. Linda would not have anything against it, I was pretty sure. I had a feeling that she liked me and that she trusted me with her son.

"Okay," I said. "Are you tired?" He had been yawning for a little while. He nodded.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Should we say good night then?" I asked him.

"Okay. Good night my prince," Simon said tiredly.

"Good night my darling," I replied. "I love you."

"Love you too," he said and then we hung up. I laid down on my bed. I knew I was smiling like a fool. Just the thought of being with him made me feel warm inside. Erik called me on facetime and I did not have time to put a shirt on, so I just picked up.

"Have you asked Simon yet?" Erik asked me. "Is he there by the way?"

"No he is not. And yes, I have just spoken about it with him. He just needs to speak to Linda about it," I replied.

"So that is why you are topless. You have been showing off for your boyfriend," Erik teased. I reached my tongue out to him.

"Stop teasing Erik," I said. Erik just laughed.

"You are just so teasable, little brother," he defended himself. "And maybe I can tease both of you on the vacation."

"You look forward to that, don't you?" I said and laughed.

"Well I have to get some revenge on you for all the times you have made my girlfriends run for their life," Erik kept teasing.

"Don't you dare scare Simon away though," I warned my brother.

"I promise I won't. Without him you are pretty hopeless to be honest. Mom does not realise he makes you behave like a good boy. She would like him so much more if she knew that," he kept teasing.

"You are so annoying, Erik," I whined. "I am tired so I am going to sleep now, okay?"

"Okay. Nightie lover boy," Erik said.

"Good night, Erik," I replied. He hung up and I fell asleep before I knew it. And I was happy. I dreamed happy dreams that night.


"If I break a leg I will blame you, okay?" Simon said as he put on the first ski boot on his feet. His curls were visible under his beanie.

"You won't break a leg, okay?" I replied. I kneeled down and helped him secure the ski boots correctly. When it all was done correctly, I planted a kiss on his forehead and then leaned in to kiss him on the lips.

"No I will break two," Simon joked. I laughed.

"I love you," I said and took his hands in mine and pulled him up on his feet. He was so extremely cute.

"I love you too," he said and hugged me. "Even if you enjoy deadly hobbies when we are out of school." I laughed.

"We can watch something on Netflix and drink hot chocolate in the hotel room later, okay?" I suggested. Simon smiled and nodded.

"I will look forward to cuddling you on the sofa then," he replied. We walked out to Erik and my parents hand in hand.

"So Simon, have you skied before?" my dad asked. Simon shook his head.

"No, I have not. My family never had money to spend on that kind of thing," Simon replied.

"Don't worry. We will show you," my father said. Simon nodded and smiled a little. We went down to the little skiing slope, where Simon would learn how to ski. My parents and Erik went up the lift. I showed Simon how to stop and how to move forward on the skis. He did pretty well for his first time on skis.

"And keep your balance. You don't want to fall, okay?" I said.

"You said that I would not break a leg. And that better be true darling," Simon said.

"You are doing good, so you won't break a leg, baby," I replied. I kissed him lightly on the lips. The hours went by and he seemed to enjoy it more and more. He gained more and more confidence. We sat down in the ski lift and met Erik at the top.

"So have you actually taught him to ski or have you spent the day making out?"he teased.

"Very funny, Erik," I replied.

"Baby you did not tell me making out the whole day was an option," Simon said with a slight teasing voice. "But you are not too bad as a ski instructor either I guess. But I must say it is a little bit too cold for my taste." Simon pulled me closer and kissed my cheek. Erik and Simon looked at each other and grinned. They had teamed up on teasing me apparently.

"Mom said we have a reservation for lunch in an hour, so don't be late, boys," Erik said and took off into the ski slope. Simon and I went down after him, a little more careful than my older brother.

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