The performance

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"You have been offered to do a televised performance and a live interview on Friday," Anton said. "And I have already accepted the invitation." I could barely comprehend what he told me. A televised performance? I had only dreamed of doing that. I had only performed on TV with the school choir, when Wille transferred schools. It turned up on "A year with the royal family" at New years. Even if there were rumours about me and Wille they had decided to include the performance anyways, as it would have looked even more like they tried to hide something if they had cut it out.

"What?" I replied to the phone. "Are you serious?" Anton assured me he was not joking.

"This time I will make sure Roxanne is available to style you. And you should begin rehearsing. There will be a choreographer coming to work with you on the visual performance as well," Anton said at a rapid pace. He always had a lot to do and that day was no different I figured. It was, after all, my first live performance on television. It was big.

"Okay. But I have a lot to do in school right now, so I can't really go anywhere to rehearse," I said. I had a biology test and two maths exams to do in the near future and I really needed to study if I wanted a good mark.

"We can arrange for a choreographer to come down to you," Anton said. "I need to go and take care of a few things. I will call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure. I have class in five minutes so I better get going," I replied.

"The magazines won't be able to sell rumours about you being a bad boy anytime soon at least," Anton said and chuckled. If he only knew, I thought to myself. I had after all fixed the alcohol for Wille's initiation. Even if I rarely did anything out of protocol, that was not something that was in any way positive if it got out in the press. Even if everyone knew that most singers and performers came across both alcohol and different drugs, no matter what age they were. We said goodbye and I hung up the phone and walked out of the dorm. Wille was in class, so I had to wait to share the happy news with him. I grabbed my textbook, a notepad and my pencil case and went off to class. I could not be late to advanced biology. The teacher hated when people were not on time. He was known to give quite harsh detentions. And I would have to miss out on class that coming Friday. And he would not like that. I could already hear him talk about all the extra work I had to do out of class if I had to be absent for my music. The hallway was crowded by first year students that had not yet understood that staying in the middle of a corridor was a great irritation to the second and third year students. I saw that people looked at me and whispered to their friends as I walked by. I just pretended I did not see or hear any of it. Or well, I had gotten used to it. I saw Wille by his locker, getting textbooks for his next class. I believed he was headed to Spanish class. He had entertained me with his poor pronunciations earlier that morning and I had tried to teach him. And he had wished he had chosen French instead. The only problem being that he already was fluent.

"Well hello there sweetheart," Wille said and took my hand in his. I smiled.

"Hello, handsome," I replied and caressed his cheek gently. "I have to go, or else Mr. Hellström will give me detention for the rest of the night." Before he let me go, he pressed his lips to mine.

"And we would not want that. See you later, okay?" he said and smiled.

"Yeah. Make me proud in Spanish class later," I teased. He was a hopeless student. He was quite good with the grammar, as Spanish and French had similar sentence structure a lot of the time. But he could not pronounce Spanish if his life depended on it.

"I promise," he said with a giggle. "And you make sure to stay out of trouble with Mr. Hellström, okay?" I laughed.

"I will," I said. "I need to talk to you later, okay?" I said and he nodded. Then I ran. I got into class in time. I breathed out and sat down next to Felice.

"What has happened to you?" she asked.

"What?" I replied.

"You seem way too excited for advanced biology. So what has happened?" she said with a grin. "Has Wille asked you out for a date or something?" I shook my head. He had not.

"I am going to do a live performance on television on Friday next week," I said. That made Felice excited too.

"Have you told Wille that?" she asked.

"I have not had a chance to do so yet," I said. She smiled and hugged me.

"Well you had time to kiss him," Walter said with a teasing voice.

"And here we are eavesdropping on other people's conversations apparently?" I asked with a little smile, to make sure he understood I joked.

"Well it is not everyone who has a coming pop star in their class," he said. "And especially not a pop star dating an ex prince. The press must love you already." 

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