Meetings ~ Leah Williamson

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Leah Williamson X Wife! OC and Daughter

It was one months of summer which we had off, well I mean not really off. We didn't have that luxury this summer but we had one proper month off with our daughter.

You see me and Leah have been together since 2016 when we met all the way back in 2000 in our school and we both joined the Arsenal Academy together.

And things had changed a bit since then as we admitted our feeling for each other in 2010 but it took us years to actually do anything with each other and to actually say we wanted to be together as we focussed on our looming Football Careers.

And now in 2021 it was September, and me and Leah had been with our baby girl for just over a month after she was born while we were over in Japan.

And let me explain this part of our life together, we have been wanting a child to call our own for the past year and a half. Ever since we got married before the Lockdown, as we we had our December wedding.

But me and Leah both knew one thing, we couldn't carry our own child. Me and Leah we didn't want to mess up our career in football as it was going right now, I mean we were doing so well and having a baby would put that on pause for so long, so we knew to do one thing.

We would have a mini Leah via a surrogate. Which was what we needed and we did that, so Leah gave some of her eggs to a donor and my twin brother's wife carried our baby.

I honestly couldn't have been happier when she offered in the first place. I mean I didn't want her to put herself through any of it, but she wanted to give us our first baby.

And since finding out that our baby was born on the day of our win against New Zealand just hours prior to the game, it was the best news we had been given in a long time.

I mean she came a month early but she was still said to be health so we just had to deal with this news.

I mean the only one who even knew we were going through surrogacy with our own eggs were Kiera Walsh and Lucy Bronze, as they were being named as the God Mothers, with my brother and his wife. But we had also told Jill Scott and Fran Kirby.

I was just immensely close with those two women, they were amazing and Jill had been such a big person in my life and my career.


But today was a massive day for me and Leah, it was the clash with Man City and we were bringing our baby girl, Danielle, to meet the Arsenal girls for the first time, along with the Man City girls.

I mean only Lucy and Kiera had met her so far, as they had come over for a barbecue once we came home this summer.

I think we were lucky in the fact that she was already such a lively baby girl, and she was spending the match with her Auntie Jade and Uncle Paddy.

But no one knew, we were very private about her, but we knew that there were some events coming up soon and we wanted the girls to know about her before anything.

But I just had to get through this game first then I could show off my baby to the girls.

She was wrapped up all warm ready for the trip out of the house, as me and Leah were in our tracksuits so we just had to put on our shorts before we went out. And Paddy and Jade were meeting us outside the stadium and were going in early.


I didn't see Danielle until after the game had ended and I was with the group as we huddled together, having our post game talk.

Before Leah spoke up. "Hey girls can we all just hang out here for a bit, with the City girls me and Meg have something to show you all."

I smiled with Leah as we walked off holding hands our Jerseys matching with Williamson on the back just with M and L in front of them.

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