Mic'ed Up ~ Chloe Kelly

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Chloe Kelly X England Player! Reader 

Today was a fun day of me being mic'ed up for training, that never went well. I was either swearing, screaming or just being the most random person in the world. 

And today was a 5 on 5 training exercise. I was lucky enough to be on a team with Lessi, Jordan, Luce and Hannah. 

I ran onto the pitch doing a forward roll. "Grace! No acrobatics!" Sarina scolded me. 

"Yes, Sarina!" I told our manager sending her a captain's salute with a smile as I ran following Jordan. 

"Big stretch, big flies, great fucking angles." I added as I was stood by Chloe, it was in my heart of hearts just to distract the blonde that and I wanted to have fun with her. 

"Did we just kick that?" I asked as I watched Lucy's ball go practically into the rafters. "If we did we're absolutely wankered." 

"Who's that to NOBBY!" I shouted at Jordan. "You're supposed to be team green mate!" 

"Guys I can't do it anymore! Don't think I can do it." I told Lucy as we walked back from the other teams goal and my shot was nicely deflected by Mary, sad to say. 

I was posing during the water break we had during this hot Aussie weather, before turning around just to have Chloe slap my arse. 

"Chloe! RUDE!" I told her rolling the 'rrrrrrrrr' s. 

"I'm sorry I'm just not a defender!" I complained as I was having to backtrack against Lauren. And as an attacking midfielder it wasn't fun. 

"That was mine." I stood my the camera to give some commentary. "It was." 

"Go tell them." The camera man told me. 

"I will." I told her, never did. 

"I'm not planning on running." I said one minute. "This is more running then I was planning on." I added while I was running chasing down Hempo. 

Then I got to play the best of my entire but limited career with a couple choice moves which got shouts from the girls. 

"Why can't we play walking football instead?" I asked as I walked after the ball as it went out. 

"What the fuck was that Lucy Bronze, give it to Russo she can actually shoot." I muttered to myself, as Lucy had missed a shot on target at Ellie. "Oh. Spoke too soon." As Lucy got a deflection shot from Ellie and scored. 

"I'm not so good, I think I'm having an alright day." I told the girls with a smile. 

"I just got mugged off!" I shouted as Chloe tricked me in direction making me fall on my arse. "RUDE!" I shouted at my partner. 

"Come on you know I love you." She told me with a smile. 

"That was still mean, mugging me off!" I told her with a shake of my head. 

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