Grandma ~ Mapi Leon

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Mapi Leon X Reader 

I was just led on the couch as Mapi walked out of our shared bedroom, and into the living room, where I got to relaxing before I went to work, and Mapi being Mapi on her day off, was going to my bar with the girls from Barca. 

"Love." I just told Mapi as I giggled seeing her outfit in the cooler months of Spanish weather. 

"What?" Mapi just asked me as she stood in the doorway, with one arm in her crutches that I forced her to wear, as she wasn't cleared by the doctors yet. 

"Love you look like you've missed out a generation in your style." I told her as our cat led on my chest, and I just ran my hands through his fur. 

"No I don't!" Mapi told me seriously pouting now. 

One of the few things she would pout over at the moment; me making fun of her style and her not being allowed to drive just yet after her surgery. 

"Love you know how I promised not to lie to you, you look like my grandpa." I told her with a giggle as she looked thoroughly insulted by my words. 

"A stylish grandpa." She just told me with a smile. 

"Oh the sexiest, but please love, can these months be over with, I love you in your usual style." I told her with a grin, allowing our cat to move off of my chest, as I had to finish getting ready for my bar shift tonight. 

And after a few minutes I looked to Mapi in the mirror as she was staring at me with that look in her eyes. 

"Come on grandma." I told Mapi as I grabbed my work bag, setting it on my shoulder as I held my hand out to Mapi. 

"No." Mapi told me taking my hand in hers but not moving. 

"Eh?" I asked her as I tilted my head in her direction. 

"No calling me that." Mapi told me as she took one step closer to me. 

"What do you want me to call you instead?" I asked her instead with a smirk on my lips. 

"Oh darling you know what." Mapi just told me as she lightly kissed me. 

"Oh really?" I told her with a smirk, pulling away for her before things got too heated, as I knew it would. "Come on grandma, I've got to get to work, and you girls need to be getting to my bar." I added in. 

"Spoil sport." Mapi told me as she slapped my arse, and I just kept walking grabbing our keys, and waiting out of the door for Mapi to catch up to me, as we left our house. "And stop calling me grandma!" 

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