Bombastic Side Eye ~ Leah Williamson

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Leah Williamson X English! Reader

Arriving at camp side by side with Leah was always fun, especially after the big games we had just played. So arriving half asleep was a usual thing for me. But something I hated. 

Why? Because I was always filmed as I walked in, half leaning on my fiancé as I tried not to fall asleep. 

Holding all my things as I trudged in behind Leah I watched as the Tik Tok of our arrival was filmed like usual. And just like usual the fist bump was needed. 

So I followed Leah inside, and I pulled a face as Leah did this weird hand movement before hi fiving, the woman's hand which was really ready for a fist bump. 

And that was when the moments all started, as I have Leah a funky look, in my side eye. 

"Boop!" I told the woman booping my head on her fist with a laugh. Lead now giving me my own side eye. 

"Let's go to bed!" I told her as I suddenly had a bout of energy and started my way to my room, as we were never allowed to share a room at Camp. So I shared with Alex Greenwood, my Bitch. And Leah always shared with Georgia Stanway. 

"And she now has energy?" Leah questioned as I made my way towards my room, for my much needed sleep. 

"I'm never gonna get her to bed now?!" Leah said as she shook her head following after me. 

"How do you think i feel, I share a room with her!" Alex complained as she met me and Leah with Lauren. 


My chaos got to continue, with Leah giving me weird looks, as I messed around with Lucy, Alex and Chloe. I mean it was normally just me and Lucy but we were joined by the two Man City girls today. 

So as we walked out for our first day of training I was having a laugh not really giving two shits about the camera that was filming us. 

So as I started dancing with the girls, while Lucy made some music for us all. 

"Can we become the next PJ and Duncan?" I asked Lucy with a laugh as I jumped on her back. 

"Not without me!" Rachel told me as we all ran off onto the pitch where we started to get read for the day. 

"Yess!" I said with Rachel as we laughed. 

"What?" Leah muttered to herself, which the Tik Tok caught. Giving the three of us side eye. 

"PJ and Duncan?" She asked herself as she continued to walk with Kiera and Georgia onto the pitch. And like normal, she continued to give the side eye to me, Lucy and Rachel. Well more me really but she shook her head with a smile. 

"What on earth Gabs?" Leah asked herself as she continued walking onto the pitch. 

You would not believe the amount of Tik Toks they made of Leah with the sound 'Bombastic Side Eye' from those two days. Like seriously me and Leah give each other these looks all day every day. 

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