Final Bound ~ Mary Fowler

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Mary Fowler X England Player! Reader 

It was a tough time this match, playing against not only the home team, but in a semi final. AND you're playing against your girlfriend. That was tough. 

But hearing the final whistle be blown after 6 minutes of added time, I just screamed jumping up as I ran across the pitch, first headed to Sarina, to hug her. 

But turning around after a group hug, I was in search of one person, and one person only. Mary. 

I walked to Sam first as I hugged the girl, who had broken past us once this match. "Well done." She told me. "Beat those Spaniards." 

"Thank you. Where's Mare?" I asked her as I couldn't see my love. 

"Centre circle, with El." Sam told me with a smile. And I could finally spot my love in a close hug with Ellie Carpenter. 

I just stood there not moving for a second, before Sam pushed me. "Go see her, she'll need you." She told me with a smile. 

"Love." I told her once I finally reached her. Ellie walking away once she looked up and saw me. 

Mary just bundled up into a hug with me. "Why was it not enough, it's never enough." Mare told me as she kept me close to her. But I wasn't complaining either way. 

"You are enough love, but, sometimes being enough, there is always someone better. Besides you can still come to the final, and wear a Jameson jersey." I told her with a smile. 

"I will not wear that." I heard Mare telling me. "Just wait until Fowler's on your back." 

"I will not wear that." I told Mary as I heard her statement, tugging at her yellow jersey. 

She just looked so conflicted in her thoughts. "I didn't meant that." She mumbled. 

"What?" I asked her as I placed my hand on her chin so she would look me in the eyes. 

"Marry me?" Mary asked me as her head was placed deep in my neck. 

"What?" I asked her as I pushed her back for a second, looking into her eyes. "Repeat that, so I know you mean it." 

"Marry me Jo." Mare told me with a smile. 

"Well, I don't marry World Cup finalists." I told her with a smile. 

"Rude!" She told me. 

"Of course I'll marry you." I told her with a smile as I pulled her in for a hug. 

"Can I kiss you?" Mare asked me as this was still a packed stadium. 

"Of course you can." I told her with a shy nod before she pulled me in for a kiss. 

Once we were pulled apart for our team huddles, I ended up sat next to Lucy. 

"Why are you so smiley, tids?" Jordan asked me as she pulled me up for a hug. 

"Guess who's got a fiancé?" I asked them with a smile. 

"Who?" Lessi asked. 

"Obviously Jo you idiot!" Tooney told me as she hit Lessi's arm. 

And then it was the chase of the century as I ran away but not before I was slapped all over my the girls in congratulations. 

"I'm gonna get her!" Lauren said as she ran over to the Australian girls with the other Manchester City girls, grabbing Mare and hugging her. 

"Congrats!" They told Mare as I ran with them as I just stood there a blushing mess. 

AN: This is for one of the WOSO books I want to write in the future. 

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