Song Association Britney Spears ~ Vivianne Miedema

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Vivianne Miediema X Arsenal! Reader 

"Are you working hard or hardly working?" I sat on the counter top as I spoke to Viv, both of us having changed from what we were wearing during training, as we had gotten in the shower.

And Viv was doing Uni work, I had to reply to some emails, one from my Primary school, and I had made us both a cup of tea.

"Working hard." Viv slowly told me as we just started at each other and I made faces at Viv from behind the camera. "Ooooooh, and I have hiccups." I just shook my head with a smile, before I messed about with my hair and I looked at Viv.

"Okay, so you can only have this cup of tea." Viv suddenly turned to look at me as I spoke about tea. "If...."

"If you can answer me this question." I told Viv I wanted my little evil laughter it would be perfect around about now.

"Okay." Viv just told me.

"Can you do that?" I asked Viv as I smirked trying not to laugh.

"Yeah." She instantly told me. "Wipe that smirk off of your face." Viv asked me as she shook her head.

"Okay you need to name me...... three..... Britney Spears song...." I didn't even get to finish my sentence and I heard Viv's protests.

"Errrrr....... TOXIC!" Viv immediately told me and I laughed. "I mean you can dance that Schatje."

"I will get you." I told Viv as I walked around the kitchen Island.

"You wouldn't dare..... Snake hips." As Viv added this to her answers I was already on the floor cackling.

"Wha...... What? What songs is snake hips." I just asked myself and Viv as she shrugged and I led on my back, the camera only filming my dramatic ass.

"kjbdvbv....... Errrrrrrr. Forever!" Viv added and I sat up giving Viv a look with a double chin.

"Forever? Sing it!" I told Viv as she shrugged.

"I don't know, it's a common song title." Viv added and I nodded, even if I couldn't think of any sings called Forever.

"Come on!" I told Viv shaking my head. "I know we're young, but you're older than me, and I know at least three Britney Spears songs." I told my girlfriend shaking my head.

"Right, I'm gonna go chug this cup of tea." I told Viv as I went to walk away from her and back to the two cuppas.

"What did I say first again? Wait TOXIC!" Viv said and I shook my head.

"Tip!" Viv told me.

"Tip?" I repeated, narrowing my eyes at Viv.

"Give me a tip!" Viv told me as I shook my head with a smile.

"No!" I told Viv. "You should know these."

"No!" Viv started to rub her eyes and I just laughed as her glasses fell off of her face.

"What's got you all flustered?" I asked Viv as the camera only showed her laughing figure sat at the table.

"You, don't stop thinking about that dance." Viv just joked and I threw a tea towel at her and it just caught the back of her bun.

"Come on!" I told her as I shook my head.

"Love myself?" Viv questioned me.

"Love myself?" I questioned Viv.

"I don't know." Viv just mumbled she truly was giving up now.

"Come on!" I told Viv laughing. "Are you just making stuff up now? Like just because you don't know......."

"I don't know." Viv told me and the camera as she shrugged, and I could tell she was trying not to cry with laughter. "Can I just have a look?"

"You can either name the songs or three of her hair styles?" I asked Viv, knowing she would do much better with the song choice.

"Blonde hair." Viv just told me and I shook my head at her words.

"Styles." I told her.

"Toxic!" Viv started to read from a website.

"Oops I Did It Again." Viv ready out the next one.

"Sing it! Oops I Did It Again." I told Viv as I stood next to her trying not to laugh.

"Oops I Did It Again." Viv just sang as she moved her head and shoulders weirdly as I tried not to laugh.

"Fine accepted." I told Viv as I looked at the screen. "One more."

"I don't know any more!" Viv started to tell me as her hand looped it's way around my waist.

"Hit Me Baby One More Time!" Viv just shouted at me as I tried not to laugh.

"Cup of tea for me." Viv looked up at me for once as I stood next to her chair, with my arm around the back of it, while I drew patterns onto her hoodie covered shoulder.

And I couldn't help with my smile growing as I saw Viv's smile grow, which I love. And

"I hate you." Viv told me as she was still smiling at me.

"No you don't!" I fake gasped at her shaking my head at her words. "You love me!"

"Yeah I do." Viv mumbled and I knew this would get cut out of the final video.

"Don't say it like that." I told Viv as the camera was on the table, face down and I just hugged her. "Don't say it like you're upset about loving me." I was smiling so much right now.

"Why would i ever be upset about that?" Viv told me as she smiled that smile, which I loved so much.

"I don't know." i told Viv just sending her a shrug, before I leaned down pecking her on the lips for a second like it was second nature before I just hugged her.

"Come here." Viv told me with a smile before I sat on her lap before I kissed her and I just needed that for a bit. My arms around her shoulders and hers were around my waist.

I kept myself sat on her lap while we just hugged, these were some of the moments I enjoyed the most with Viv. Just us being in each others company.


An: Please could you answer one or two of these google forms. The top one is for a WOSO book! 

This one is for a solely WOSO book which i want to put together at some point, but I need some helps with starting points to create not only a profile and some ideas for the book together. 

This one is for the Love Island 2023 book which is live right now called Kiss You, it's one question, but it is what I need answering right now for this book.

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