AUSenal ~ Steph Catley

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Steph Catley X Australian Arsenal Player! Reader

Three Aussie's in Arsenal just wasn't enough, so we had one more on the way, well she was already here. Kyra. 

She was like mine and Steph's child, well apart from when Mini and Harper steal her away, but we won't get into that. 

But when Kyra arrived, it was like chaos for me and Steph. We were getting Kyra settled, Cait was obviously there to help, but since me and Steph are her unofficial parents we had to watch over her a lot. 

And how we ended up here, I don't know. But it happened. 

Me, Kyra and Caitlin swinging around on the bars and rings we had in the gym. 

BLASTING Strawberry Kisses, all of us screaming along with the song. 

"Still see the sunlight in your hair!" We all screamed out as I was just swinging back and forth on the bars, trying to get a good jump in. 

"Ohhhhhh! OH!" We all screamed at the top of our lungs, not really in tune but who gave a shit really? 

"I've been missing your strawberry kisses!" We all screamed as Caitlin was trying to flip on the rings she was holding onto. 

"Cuz nothings as sweet!" I shouted as I took a leap of faith, jumping from the bar I was holding onto for dear life, landing almost perfectly next to Steph. 

I laughed as Cait went to kick Kyra's ass while the youngest of us was swinging ont he rings still. 

"The taste still drives me crazy!" I just said with a smile, as Steph my the camera onto us, as i had my arms around my wife, kissing her cheek with a smile. 

AN: I am IN LOVE with AUSENAL! I fucking love all of them, and they're getting me into all of the Aussie team, like MAN! My TikTok FYP is just SWF2's Bada Lee, the Aussie team, Alex Greenwood, and other WOSO stuff, like I have that and that's it. 

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