Swimming Tryouts? ~ Danielle Van De Donk

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Danielle Van De Donk X USA Player! Reader 

Being a US player that plays outside of the US is rare, but being the only one to have never played in the NWSL, now that's rare. 

I've played for four leagues, now, starting off my career in the German League with Bayern Munich in 2017 for just one season, before I signed with Arsenal for the next three, until 2021. 

Which was where I met Daan, I fell in love to say the least. But she was already in love, with Beth Mead, so I watched from the side lines. 

And then I moved to play for Barcelona for just one season after they won the Champions League in 2021 til 2022. Where I got the chance to be with the girl I was in love with. 


So I joined in 2022, which was where we reconnected, and to say we both fell in love was the truth. We've been dating now for 10 months, and we do hide it, but we don't at the same time. 

So facing here now in the group stages of the Women's World Cup, it was hard. 

But with less than 3 minutes to go of extra time was on the clock, and I turned back after the whistle was blown. 

I just saw an orange shirt on the floor. "Who is it?" I asked Lindsay, my Lyon teammate. 

"Daan." She muttered before I ran over to my girlfriend. I couldn't hide all of this, I was scared, my girlfriend is on the floor not bloody well moving. 

"Schatje." I told Daan standing by her as she was led on the floor not moving, crouching by her as I had my hand on her shoulder. 

"Poepie." Daan muttered back to me. 

"Not that name." I told her with a smile, that was one good sign she could still understand me and knew who we were around her. 

When the Dutch medics made their way over to Daan you saw the first showings of blood slowly coming out of her hair, but you had no idea how much there would be under there. 

I wasn't given a choice but to move away from her as the Dutch staff moved me out of their way, pushing me away from my girlfriend. 

"No, stay!" Daan told me as she locked eyes with me. 

"I'm right here." i told her as I kept eyes with her. 

I watched as they placed some gauze over her wound, before just placing a swimming cap over it. 

I laughed at her. 

"Not a word!" Daan told me. 

"You look like you've got swimming practice in half an hour." I told her with a smile. 

"Oh shut up." Daan told me as she stood up. 

"Make me!" I told her walking away from her backwards as she was escorted of the pitch before she could return to play. 


"Are you two doing okay, it looked rough on the pitch?" The interviewer switched to English seeing me walk up to Daan. 

"The best players are always the most competitive." I told the interviewer as I interrupted Daan's interview. 

"Best friends?" The interviewer asked us both, as my arm was around Daan's shoulders but Daan's was holding onto my waist. 

"The best." Daan answered like clockwork for us, squeezing my waist twice, doing our code, for when we wish we could say our feelings. 

"Go get that checked out properly." I told Daan raising one eyebrow up at her, as she nodded. 

"I will, ik houd van je." Daan told me politely kicking me out of the interview. 

"Ik houd van je." i told her back quickly kissing her before walking off to Lindsay who was gasping at my actions, before I froze. 

"You didn't mean to do that?" Daan asked me. 

"No I didn't!" I said shaking my head, before running back to kiss Daan one last time before running away back to Lindsay as we were both bright red in the face now. 

AN: If I did a WOSO book who would you like it to be about, and would you have any ideas for it, like fire anything at me that would would like to see for it. Because I was thinking a DVDD but i don't know yet. 

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