Photos Gallore ~ Laura Freigang

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Laura Freigang X Photographer! Reader 

It was only my second day of this new job. Well job was a rough word to call it, I got to sit around, watching footballers train, and do media while I literally took pictures of them. 

Or I got to go one on one with them and actually take pictures of them. 

But even today on my second day, I got to watch as Laura Freigang walked out with all of the confidence in the world before jumping over the sofa, for an interview she was involved in. 

Luckily I got her just in time for a few action, shots trying not to bite my lip as I watched her with a smile. 

But I just sat around moving around slightly to get a few new angles of the girl, not noticing every few minutes her eyes go wandering looking for my camera, or the person holding it. 

And I clicked back through my camera with a smile, after her interview was over. Only just noticing when someone was behind me, with their shadow covering me. 

"Oh Hi!" I told her with a smile, as she looked down at me. 

"Hi." She looked at me. "Can I have a look?" 

"Ye..... Yeah, no, of course...." I quickly told Laura with a smile, moving over in my seat with a smile, letting her take a seat next to me. 

"Cute...." She muttered quietly. 

"What?" I asked her as I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"Nothing." She told me with a grin before she sat down, looking over at my camera. 

I passed it off to her quietly, and let her have a look through all of the pictures I had. I smiled watching the creases in her eyes form as they looked at the picture, her face smiling as she looked through them. 

"Oh I love this one!" She told me with a grin, showing me the first picture I had taken of her. 

"Action shot as always." I told her with a small smile, happy from the small compliment from her. 

"Of course, you've got to love me in action." 

"Oh really?" I asked her as I titled my head looking at her with a smile. 

"Of course, don't think I haven't noticed you." She muttered to me leaning in close. 

I just sat there looking at my hands as I tried not to smile, but also trying not to blush like a tomato. But as always and of course, I failed miserably. 

And Laura just walked away with a smirk on her face, taking my camera with her. 

"Can I have my camera back?" I asked her with a smile. 

"Come get it." She told me before taking a picture of me, before running off away from me. 

AN: HIYA! This is an updates requests list, if you have any ideas for chapters please send them my way! Love you all. xx 

* Steph Catley (Arsenal/ Australia) 

* Kyra Cooney Cross (Arsenal/ Australia) 

* Caitlin Foord (Arsenal/ Australia)

* Sam Kerr (Chelsea/ Australia) 

* Alanna Kennedy (Manchester City/ Australia)

* Mary Fowler (Manchester City/ Australia)

* Ellie Carpenter (Olympique Lyonnias/ Australia)

* Hayley Raso (Real Madrid/ Australia)

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