I'm Back Baby! ~ Leah Galton

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Leah Galton X Arsenal! ACL! Reader 

This year has possibly been the shittiest of my life, from April the 19th til probably today. Well hopefully today if all goes well. 

But I tore my ACL on the 19th of April 2023, and it truely ruined me for a year. I didn't only have that one surgery on my left leg, but in October I found that I had excessive scarring from the injury, stopping part of my recovery, which should have been timed equally with Leah. 

And then I had mental health complications. But to say the short version of it all, I had a shit year with football, missing out on the world cup, missing out on some of these amazing moments that I could have shared with Arsenal. 

The only positive to come out of my ACL was the time I got to share with Leah, my now wife, at the time fiancé. We got married this summer, just after the World Cup, with the ACL girls leading me on my hen party and the celebrations I had. 

But today, the 17th of February 2024, would be the start of something new for me. Well I got back to what I loved...... 

Playing football........... 


thrashing Manchester United, specifically Leah. 

But then again I had to hope I would play, I walked into the Emirates, headphones blasting 'Stupid In Love' by MAX, the song perfectly describing us, as we were married only 1 and a half years into our relationship, but she was everything I wanted in a life partner. 

And I kept walking into the locker room, as I kept the noises out from the thousands of fans that would be watching this, especially as it was a sold out Emirates. 

But I just got changed, keeping my playlist songs which calmed me as I could hear the thumping of my heart in my throat. 

"You'll be okay." I heard Viv say as she took out one of my headphones, placing it into the open charging box for them. 

"And last time I said that to someone I then went and did my ACL." I told Viv as Leah tore her ACL in the first half, I went to see her, and I then went on to tear my own ACL. 

"But this time you get to have every person in this stadium on their feet for you. You are gonna be our golden girl again, and after 298 days, and yes I counted, you are going to score." Viv told me. 

"No not against Man United, and hey, who knows if I'll even get to play." I told me as I started to pull my hair back into a pony tail, my blonde, obviously, locks flowing to the middle of my ribs as I would have to plait it before the match. 

"Oh trust me, you will." I heard Viv say as she pulled me up, dragging me to the pitch, as we were the last two to head out. 

I walked out, looking around the Emirates as I heard the screams of fans around the stadium seeing me actually walking onto the pitch. 

But I locked eyes with Leah as the Manchester United girls, well specifically the England girls, were sending me claps. 

She just sent me a wink, well a barely seen wink along with her flipping me her ring ringer, before kissing it, as it had tape covering it, both of them in swirls of red and green tape, red for Arsenal and United, and I picked the green, for my eyes and it was my lucky colour. 

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