Chapter Eleven - Realisation of Feelings?

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After the call had ended, I made my was back to where the group was. Although they had now split up after I made that call.

Pilar, Dorio and Kiwi were drinking together and David sat with Rebecca on the-



David and Rebecca sat together on one of the couches in the bar...And Rebecca was drinking a beer while leaning on David's shoulder.

I glanced down at my chest, I had felt a small pain coming from around there. Had I not been so focused on David and Rebecca, I might have thought that I was about to have a heart attack.

Shaking my head I tried to shake these strange thoughts away. But I couldn't force my eyes away from the duo. In all honesty...I felt...Annoyed at the sight of the two of them and I couldn't understand why.

Never have I felt this when the two of them spoke to one another, so what's the difference with this?

....Maybe...Maybe it's the fact that I miss my fath- Yes! That's it! Right! The mere sight of anyone being close must have made me feel jealous because I miss my close relationship with my father!

That's exactly it! That's right! Good thing I figured that one out or otherwise-

I flinched as I felt someone's arm wrap around my shoulder. I was so focused on the two and so deep in thought that I hadn't even noticed this person approaching me.

Looking up at the taller person, I noticed that it was Dorio, out of all people. Wonder what she wants.

Dorio: You alright kid?

Okay, what's up with these guys having all these worried tones today? First it was Rebecca when we were walking to the bar and now Dorio out of all people. I hadn't even spoken with her that much yet.

If I had to put her on a list of "how times I have spent time with them" list, then she would rank above Lucy, but under Maine.

So why does she sound so strangely worried about me?

Dorio: Follow me for a moment, kay?

Okay what the hell is- Oh, and now she's dragging me out if the bar. Great, fantastic. Don't even tell me where we're going, thanks.


We stood in a small dark corner outside of the afterlife. If I didn't know any better I might have thought that I would get robbed.

Dorio kneeled down to get down to my height which felt somewhat humiliating for some reason.

Dorio: Kid, what do you think of Becca?

Mamoru: That she is a great friend...Why are you asking me this?

It felt...Confusing, to say the least. Why pull me out of the club just to ask me this question?

She rolled her eyes and muttered something about "Maine mentioning this" or something like that.

Dorio: Okay, let me rephrase that. What do you FEEL for Becca?

Uh, not sure why she put emphasis on the word "feel" but okay.

Mamoru: I...Feel like she's a great friend...?

She looked frustrated at my response. It's like she couldn't believe that I even said that or something...

Taking a deep breath, she put both of her hands on my shoulders as if I was going to try and escape and then she spoke.

I'll Go To Hell And Back For You | Rebecca X Natsuki MamoruWhere stories live. Discover now