Gloomy Weekend

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(Vincent's POV)

It was now the weekend..yesterday was really something...I turn over to Scott. Seeing him still asleep as I hold him gently in my arms, I smile.

I get up feeling anxious about the whole thing that happened. the fact that Scott knew made me really worried. "What if he doesn't love me anymore?" "What if he hates me?", all these questions ran through my mind as I started cooking breakfast.

"Morning", I hear Scott groaning as he enters to the kitchen. It makes me break my thoughts and see that I burnt one of the pancakes. "AH FIRE!!! SCOTT HELP!!!", I scream as the fire is rapidly increasing higher near the ceiling. "Ok Im coming!" I see Scott running with a fire extinguisher and sprays it on the stove.

"Finally the fire is gone", I whisper to myself after Scott had sprayed the stove. It was a bit awkward afterwards. "I-im sorry.." I told Scott sighing a bit stressed about the situation we were in. 

(Scott's POV)

I looked at Vincent as he was apologizing quietly to me. I was able to read the room perfectly and yes I do still feel a bit shocked. "It's okay..I understand that this is something serious for the both of us..." I reply. "I made us pancakes.." I see Vincent say while trying to act like I didn't know what I meant by it. We went to sit at the table and have breakfast. A quiet breakfast. All I could hear were the forks clinking to the plates every time one of us took a bite from our pancakes. "Vincent..we can't just sweep this under the rug and you know that..especially since you killed them". Vincent looks up at me and sighs, "I know..I just don't know what to say..I don't know how to fix this! You know I can't just bring them to life magically!". "Vincent." "SOMETHING WAS POSSESSING ME!" "Vincent." "I DON'T KNOW WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME BACK THEN" "VINCENT!" I make a shaky sigh and take a big breath. Vincent gets quiet and looks down at his empty plate. I open my mouth with watery eyes, "I think I need some time... to myself..". Vincent looked at me with the widest eyes, "NO, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! I HAVE NO ONE ELSE TO TURN TO, PLEASE!!!". I get up from the table and leave into the dark red room where Vincent originally let me sleep before we I lock the door and reflect on everything that has happened so far. My heart tells me that I still want to be with him, but how can I be with him if he killed those kids...? These questions circle around my mind as I slowly begin to break down and cry in the bed.

(Vincent's POV)

I stare at my plate as Scott headed upstairs to his separate room. "I don't know what to do" "I want to fix this but I know I cant fix my past and because of it I know I'm at a risk of loosing the love of my life" I instantly break down and slowly pass out. "We're after you, if you don't give us payback, WE WILL FIND YOU" I heard these creepy voices in my head knowing they were the ghost children wanting to haunt me to death. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?! I ALREADY AM LOOSING A VERY IMPORTANT PERSON WHO I LOVE SO MUCH AND WHY DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO BE THE ONES AFFECTING IT?!" I cried out as a ghost child appears in front of me. "We only want to kill the guy who killed us, I wonder who the lucky guy is" the child laughed. "Please..what do you want with me, can't there be something else we can arrange?" I asked worriedly. "I want to fix this..I know I did wrong and I fully regret it..I'm really sorry, just please, can't you think of anything..?" I sniffled as I had puffy watery eyes looking at the child. "Hmm..we'll since you put it that our souls and you too shall be freed from our hauntings" the child looked at me seriously. "Okay, I'll do it and I'll bring Scott as well if..thats okay.." I said. "yes, as long as YOU are the one that is freeing us." the child replied while slowly disappearing in front of me. I woke up from being passed out and gasped and ran to Scott's room, knocking the door loudly. "SCOTT!!! PLEASE OPEN!!!" "I KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS" "PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP".

(Scott's POV)

I heard banging on my door. It was Vincent. "Come in" I said sadly muffled facing my pillow. Vincent came in saying he knew how to fix things and how he talked to these ghosts kids since they always have haunted him. Don't get me wrong, I was angry that he never told me all of this since the beginning but we both know we can't do anything do change the past but focus on the future. "Listen Vincent, I still want to be with you and if you really are a fully changed person then I want you to show me and prove me everything" I said in a stern voice. "I will! I can fix this and I can easily show you!" I looked at Vincent and he looked at me. we both stared at each other for a few seconds before coming to a hug. "Im sorry, you understand that you being a murderer is something really serious and shocking. I'm sure you would've reacted the same way." I said. "yeah I get it. I didn't want to tell you for that reason and I know I should've told you since the beginning but I didn't want to scare you away because.. I love you Scott". I kissed Vincent softly, "We're going to the pizzaria tonight and were going to fix everything".

(A/N yo what's up guys, honestly kinda surprised this fanfic is still being read by u guys which I appreciate :) haven't been updating because life is lifing lol I can't promise any quick updates but I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter! Thanks for reading :})

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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