Hello,Hello? Pt2

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(Scott's POV)
I was shocked to see the man who was following me.I looked at his features.He was wearing a purple uniform with a black tie and pants,he also had a blood red bow that was tied on his ponytail.He also had purple hair,But the most thing that was obvious about him was his purple skin.I stared into his white soulless eyes.

(Vincent's POV)
I kept my big smile and stared at his features.He had an old sweater...I think it was from Freddy's.Anyways he had black jeans but kinda ripped since they were dirty too.But what surprised me the most was that he had a phone for a head!!!...well thats what I thought.

(Scott's POV)
I noticed I was still staring so I snapped back to reality and asked him,"excuse me but,why were you following me?" The purple man smirked and said "well I was curious of what you were doing so why not follow you?" I took a step backward and not to mention it but I was nervous about why he'd follow me.

He looked at me with a confused face and asked "um...are you homeless...?"
My eyes widen.I replied "well...yea...I guess you can say that."

(Vincent's POV)
"Poor guy" I though as I looked at him.I wanted to help him but how...? After a while a lightbulb turned on in my head. "What's your name?"I asked.As I could tell,he was still a bit nervous but replied,"Scott,my name's Scott but others call me Phone Guy."
"Alright Scott,"I said"Call me Vincent."

"Okay,Vincent."Scott said.As I moved towards him I put my right hand on his shoulder. "Scott?" I said "yea?"He replied. "I'm gonna help you and by that I mean I want you to move in with me."I grinned at him.l

(Scott's POV)
I couldn't believe my eyes! He actually wants to help me!!! I stared at him with so much happiness. "THANK YOU,THANK YOU,THANK YOU!!!"I hugged him tightly as I heard him chuckle. "No prob" he said still smiling at me.That moment I knew that my homeless days would be over and I would finally have the life I wanted all these years.

(Vincent's POV)
I was actually pretty glad to tell him that,I mean I did feel lonely in my house all alone but now I was happy to help him out.It was win,win for us!"Hey,you wanna go to my house now?"I said. "Absolutely!"Scott said with a big smile stuck on his face behind his phone mask.Heh,I actually liked him being happy.We got into my purple car (yes my fav color is purple so what?)and drove us to my house.

(Hey guys! Sorry about the POV changes during the story😅 welp just a reminder I will update chapters when I have time cause I'm busy everyday...well bye my turtle nuggets!)

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