Date plan

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(Vincent's POV)

Our night at the night shift was very tiring and the worst parts of it was that it was Friday.Today was Saturday and in Saturdays we would just be our lazy selfs and watch tv or movies but today was I planned out something exciting for my love...something he would never forget.

(Scott's POV)

I was sleeping on our bed.I opened one eye and saw Vincent standing up to go somewhere.

"Vinny where are u going?"I sleepily said.

"To go make breakfast."

I groaned.

"What?" Vincent said confused.

"Stay" I said grabbing ahold of his hand.

" it cuddling time?"

"Yup"I said looking up at him with puppy eyes.

"Oh alright" He smiled softly at me.

I pulled him onto the bed and hugged him.I payed my head on his chest.

(Vincent's POV)

"Scotty...your very interesting and that what I love about you."I said stroking his hair softly.

"I love you too Vinny...I love everything about you which is why your special to me."

I cupped his chin and looked at his eyes.After a while Scott leaned in and we had a sweet and passionate kiss.Then it turned out to a make out session.

*le time skip cause i don't wanna write the nasty stuff that happened😹*

(Scott's POV)

We kept cuddling until we were actually hungry for breakfast.I helped  Vincent put the two plates and glass cups on the table.

I sat down in front of him and we both ate in peace.

"Hey so do you have any plans today or are we just gonna be watching movies like always?"I said laughing a bit.

"Well I do have something in mind."

"What is it?"

"I'm not telling you"

"Awww why?!"

"It's a surprise Scotty!"

"Aww! Hmph!"I was playing around with him pretending to be mad so I could see his reaction.

"Scotty don't be mad!!! Please!!!"

I turned my head away from him playfully trying not to smile.

"Nooo! Come on love,don't do this to me!!!

I ignored him until he went to me and grabbed my face.

"You can stay mad at me forever you know!"

"Oh yes I can!" I said trying to keep a straight face but failed suddenly.

"AHA!See? You couldn't stay mad at me!"Vincent kissed my cheek and I kissed his forehead.

"Yea,I said laughing a bit,but this surprise better be good!"I said joking.

"Oh it will and you will never for get it!"

"If you say so"

*time skip after breakfast*
(Vincent's POV)
Alright its 12:30pm so I have half an hour before I take Scott to the carnival.Yes I'm taking Scott to the carnival for a date.Our first date in fact.I was really excited for this.

I told Scott to go dress before we went to the surprise.I did the same as well.I put on a white shirt,dark gray hoodie,black skinny jeans,and my black converse.

I got out and saw Scott.He was wearing a dark red hoodie,black skinny jeans,a black shirt,and black converse as well.

"Ready for the surprise?"I said.

"Of course I'm ready!"I heard Scott laugh.

I laughed with him too.After that we went to my purple car and drove to the surprise.

(A/N Hey guys! So what do you think is gonna happen next? Stay tooned to find out😂 anyways I'm sorry guys I didnt update fast as I promised cause I was running out of ideas but now I'm not.Well bye guys see ya in the next chapter =3)

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