Surprise Date

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*le time skip to le carnival*

(Vincent's POV )

"Are we there?"I heard Scott say excitedly.

"Yep"I said smiling.

Keep in mind guys that I put a blindfold on him.I took him out of the car and he was super excited to take it off. 

"Okay,you can take it off now!"I grinned my biggest smile yet.

Scott's mouth was wide open and his eyes were wider than ever.

(3rd POV)

Scott stared at Vincent with a shocked look.

" did you do this?"Scott said looking at the carnival.

"I wanted to plan a date for us so I thought why not the carnival?"Vincent said smiling.

Scott ran into Vincent's arms happily as ever.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much Vinny!!!"

"No problem Scotty"

Scott pecked him on the cheek.

"I love you so much Vinny!"

"Haha same here!"Vincent said laughing.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go have fun!"Scott said running towards the rides pulling Vincent by the arm.

Both Vincent and Scott had so much fun riding on roller coasters and getting on the Ferris wheel.And of course they did kiss on the Ferris wheel.

*time skip still at the carnival though*

(Scott's POV)

"That's was ama-"I stopped my sentence because I saw this huge teddy bear At on of the game booths.Vincent noticed it too.

"I'm gonna win it for you Scotty"Vincent said to me.

"Aww no you don't have to"I said to him.

"But I want to!"He said snaking his arm around my waist.

"Hmmm...fine"I said smiling.

We walked over to the game booth.

"Step right up ladies and gentlemen!!!"we heard the man say.

"So what do we have to do here?"Vincent said grinning.

"You have to knock out those  bottles"He said pointing to each of the bottles that were stacked in 3 like a triangle.

"Looks easy enough!"Vincent said trying to show off.

Vincent payed the guy and the guy gave him 3 balls to throw.

(3rd POV)

What Scott didn't know was that Vincent was a great aimer.Vincent got ready for his first throw.He threw his first ball and knocked the first stack down.Scott got really happy.

"Watch this"Vincent said to Scott.Scott was confused but then saw what he was doing and laughed a little.

The man looked at Vincent and was surprised.Vincent threw the 2nd one facing backwards and it actually hit the next stack and knocked it all down.The man stared at him shocked.

"Wow you actually pretty good!"The man clapped.

"Thank you sir"

Vincent got ready for his last throw.Scott and the man watched closely at him.He stretched his arm and threw the ball.It hit the bottles.Vincent knew he won the bear.

"AND WE HAVE A WINNER LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!!"The crowd turned around to see who won.The man grabbed the bear and gave it to Vincent.Vincent was very happy and gave it to Scott.

"You said you wanted it so here you go"Vincent gave him the bear and kissed his lips.

"Thank you!"Scott hugged him tight.

"Awww!"The crowd whistled and clapped for them.

After that they enjoyed the rest of the day riding on more roller coasters and eating cotton candy and popcorn.They both returned tired to the house and both slept soundly together.

                                                   The End

(A/N just kidding guys it's not the end....yet I will keep updating this story so I hoped you guys enjoy it and I will be updating a new chapter on Monday 😸)

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