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*Few months later*

(Vincent's POV)

I knew it was almost Scott's birthday.So I'm gonna go ask Scott the big question.Hopefully he says yes.I went down stairs and saw Scott sitting on the couch eating cereal with a blanket."Aww that's so cute!"I thought to myself. I sat next to him and hid my face in his neck.

(Scott's POV)

Vincent hid his face in my neck.I blushed at this but stroked his hair.

"Hey"I heard Vincent mumble through my neck.

"Hey" I said back smiling softly. 

"Uh,mind if I go to a friends house real  quick?"Vincent looked at me.

"Oh go ahead"

"I'll only be gone for a few moments then I'll be right back"

"Okay"I said.

(Vincent's POV)

"Phew! Luckily that worked"I said to myself. I went upstairs to get dress.I kissed Scott goodbye and left to Mike's house so he would help me. 

"Hey Mike!" I said knocking quickly on the door.

"What do you want,Grape?"He said sleepily.

"I need your help!"

"Alright,come inside"

I entered his house and sat on the couch with him sitting in front of me.

"Do you want anything to drink,Grape?"He looked at me.

"Some coffee will do fine and stop calling me grape!"I glared at him.

Okay!Okay!Geez,no need to get mad!"Mike chuckled.

I followed him to the kitchen and sat on the table while he made coffee.

"So what do you need Vincent?"

"Uh...well..I-I'm going to ask Scott if he wants to..."I mumbled the last part while blushing.

"What?"Mike said not hearing the last part.

"I said,I'm going to ask S-Scott if he wants to..." I mumbled the last part again.

"Speak up Grape! I can't hear the last part!!!"Mike walked to the table and set the two cups on the table.

"IMGOINGTOASKSCOTTIFHEWANTSTOMARRYME!"I blushed at this and covered my face.

"Ah so your gonna ask him the big question"Mike said smirking.

"Y-yea...but I need your help and the others too!"I took a sip from my coffee.

"But when are you gonna ask him?"

"Tomorrow "


"Yea since tomorrow is his birthday"

"Oh that's right! I almost forgot!"

"Where could I get a nice ring from?"

"Well we could go to the mall now and buy it there if you'd like"

"Hmm...sounds good!"

We went to his car and drove off to the mall.

*At le mall*

(3rd POV)

Both Mike and Vincent  go off the car and entered the mall.They searched for the store that would have great and not cheap rings.

"Hey,how about we go there?"Vincent said pointing at the store.

"Okay."Mike responded.

They walked in the store and took a look around.

"Hello! Do you men need help with anything? Said the lady behind the counter.

"Oh um,yeah I was actually looking for a proposal ring."Vincent put his hand behind his head.

"Oh Okay and who's that lucky gal?"She said smiling.

"It's my boyfriend and I want to propose to him tomorrow since his birthday is tomorrow."

"Aww how cute!Alright so what kind of ring do you want?"

"Hmm...I want a nice looking ring but not too expensive please."

"Alright"The lady took out the box full of different rings."here we go"

"What ring would you suggest?" Vincent asked.

"How about this one?"The lady picked out a gold ring with a diamond in the middle.

"Wow! How much does it cost?"


Vincent took out his wallet and payed the lady and took the tiny box with the ring.

"Thank you ma'am!"Vincent said happily.

"No problem and I hope it goes well for your proposal!"

Vincent walked out the store and saw mike waiting outside.

"So you picked out the ring?"


Mike and Vincent went back in the car.Mike left Vincent at his house and went to his house.Vincent opened the door and stepped inside closing the door behind him.He saw Scott sound asleep on the couch with the tv on.Vincent quickly went upstairs and hid the ring in his closet.He went back downstairs and turned off the tv.

"Vinny?"Scott said barely waking up.

"Yea?"Vincent replied.

"Oh nothing,just checking if it was you"Scott said fully awake now.

"Okay,its fine"

Vincent sat on the couch and leaned on Scott's shoulder.Scott felt something vibrating.It was Vincent purring.Scott blushed at this.

"So where'd you go?"

"Hmm? Oh I went to Mike's house just to hang out a bit and talk."

"Oh okay"Scott told him suspiciously.

*time skip to le night because idk what to write anymore*

It was night time which meant that both Scott and Vincent were sleepy.

"Hey you wanna go to bed already?"Vincent said sleepily.

"Mhm"Scott yawned.

Both Vincent and Scott climbed upstairs and went to their room.Both layer down and got comfy.

"Night Vinny " Scott mumble.

"Night my Scotty"Vincent kissed his forehead and both went to sleep.

Vincent was excited but nervous about tomorrow.


Hey guys,I know I took a long break but I was thinking of ideas for the story.Curse you writers block! Anyways do you guys have any good ideas about Scott's party for next chapter? If you do just leave a comment plz! I'm running out of ideas!!! ;-; Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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