Chapter 1

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Rayna's POV

 It has been ten amazing months since I left Joan and Cain's house. It hasn't been easy for me, but it's incredible. I thought about going to my grandparent's house. But I knew that would be one of the first places my parents would look for me. So, instead, I went to a small town in Tennessee. It's away from where I grew up, which is excellent. I had never planned to stay here. I just needed to rest; then, I would be on my way. I saw a little Bed and Breakfast and stopped to get a room for a night or two. When I pulled in and went inside, I met a couple, Sarah and Ryan Cadbury. On the first night I was here, we sat around, getting to know each other. I told them I was just passing through. I was looking for a place to escape from my abusive family life. On what was to be my last night here, I told them I was pregnant, which resulted from being raped. They offered me a job with room and board; I accepted.


Everything was going great for the first couple of months after leaving Joan and Cains. I had started online schooling, worked as a housekeeper at Cadbury's Bed and Breakfast, and tried to eat right. I like it here. Then one day, I started cramping and noticed I was bleeding. It scared me. I walked downstairs and told Sarah I was cramping, bleeding, and needed to go to the hospital. Before we got there, I ended up blacking out from blood loss.

When I opened my eyes, I noted Sarah was sitting in a chair by my bed. She looked tired and worn out. "Sarah, how long have I been here?"

"Oh, Honey, I didn't realize you were awake. Sorry about that. We have been so worried about you. You have been out for a month and a half."

"What? What happened? How is the baby?" I asked, noticing I had a slight baby bump.

"You were pregnant with twins, you well, honey, you lost one, but the doctors saved the other. Unfortunately, your pregnancy is a high risk, so you are on bed rest until the little one joins us." Sarah explains.

"What am I going to do? I won't be able to work for my room and board. Oh my gosh, why is this happening to me?"

"Rayna, don't worry. Ryan and I have talked about it. You are like a daughter to us; we can't have any children of our own. You will live with us; we will move you to a room with an adjoining one for the baby. Just concern yourself with having a healthy baby. My grandbaby and daughter both need to get and stay healthy."

"Continue to do your schoolwork and grow that baby. We will take care of you and the little peanut. You are like our very own child. Now rest. Oh, your request to be emancipated from your parents was fast-tracked. When the doctor examined you, there was evidence of the abuse you had explained in the request." Ryan says with a smile. I was sure I would have to face Cain and Joan in court. Now, I am glad that I don't have to. It was a tremendous relief.

Being on bed rest was the worst thing ever. I have never just lied around, even when sick. The only time I get up and move around was to take showers and use the restroom. I rest a lot, but I also do a lot of schoolwork. I am lucky if, once a day, I get to go down to the kitchen and have a meal with mom and dad.

When it was time to learn the gender, I didn't find out what I was having. I wanted it to be a surprise. Then, a few weeks ago, Joan and Cain showed up as they traveled around "looking for their daughter," who had run away. Sarah told them she had seen no one matching my description. I was grateful. I have had nightmares since Joan and Cain came around looking for me. Most of the dreams are about my child getting abused by them. It scares me to death. I am terrified of what they would do to me if they ever had time to hurt me again.

As the weeks passed, I finished my junior year classes and moved on to senior year classes. I had most of my senior year classes done before the end of the summer. So I had about a month's worth of my senior year left. Well, I still need credit for physical education. Since I can't do it while pregnant, I will have to do that at school. The pregnancy is flying by.

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