Chapter 9

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It is now Monday morning; I had a great weekend. The date Friday night with Conner went great. We ate our dinner, talked, watched a few movies, and cuddled a little. At the end of the night, I walked him to the door. He pulled me to him and wrapped me in a hug. "I had a great first date with you, baby girl," I look up at him and smile.

He smiles back at me, looks at my lips, and then into my eyes. He bends down to where his lips meet mine and presses his lips to mine. My heart is racing. I have kissed no one before. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance; I open my mouth to allow him to enter. The kiss lasted only a few minutes. Then Conner pulled away.

"Wow," I say.

"That was the best kiss I have ever had." I looked him in the eyes, looking for a hint of a lie but saw none.

"That was my first kiss. I'm glad it was with you," I say, feeling my cheeks warm up. They must be as red as a tomato by now.

"I would have never known that you are a natural," Conner tells me before giving me another kiss. "Good night, baby girl. I will come over and get you and William; we will get Emma and Jay. Then, the three of us will take the kids to the Zoo," Conner says as he opens the door to leave.

"Goodnight, Conner. I can't wait for tomorrow," I say, then reach in to give his lips a quick peck.


Our day at the Zoo on Saturday was great. Emma had been seeing a guy she met at work. His name is Greg Chandler, and he is nineteen years old. He had been friends with Emma for six months. They have decided to try out a relationship. She called him and asked if he wanted to go to the Zoo with us. He says he does and couldn't wait to see Jay and Emma. He loves spending time with Jayden. Conner and Greg have become fast friends. We spent the first part of the day in our group and then split off after lunch. We met up at around four o'clock at the gift shop.

Conner and I walked over to the Lion Exhibit. Conner pushed William into the stroller. We watched the lions for a while, then walked over to the polar bear exhibit; the polar bear was swimming and splashing around. William was giggling and enjoying himself. When we went to leave, William cried, so we stayed. After about an hour, William fell asleep. We looked at a few more exhibits. Then we went to meet our friends. We met Emma and Greg at the gift shop. Conner said he would be right back. He went into the gift shop and came out with a stuffed polar bear and a wolf; He handed me the wolf and set the Bear in the stroller with William. When William woke up, we showed him the polar bear. He grabbed it and wouldn't let go. After we all left the Zoo, we went back to my house, hung out, played with the kids, and talked.

With it being Monday morning, I am standing in the kitchen, talking to mom. "I had so much fun over the weekend. I don't want to go to school. But I cannot wait to see Conner. What is up with me?"

Mom smiles and laughs at me. "You are a happy young lady who seems happy and in love. I love seeing you this way. You have grown into a beautiful person. I know that going to this one class is getting boring. It is almost over." she says, then adds, "What are your plans for Thanksgiving Day."

"What time is dinner going to be here?"

"Well, we usually have dinner around six o'clock,"

"Ok, well, I plan to go to Conner's house and have dinner with his family, hopefully around noon, then I will come here with Conner, and we will have dinner here with you and dad," I grab a pop tart and head for the door, "I will be late getting home today. I have a meeting after class to discuss the support group I want to start up. I love you, mom. See you in a couple of hours." I yell as I head out the door.

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