Chapter 29

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After we finished getting ready, mom and dad knocked on the door. Conner opened it with Willian in his arms. "Are you guys ready to head to the diner for breakfast?" dad asked.

"Yeah, we are. Ray is getting the laptop packed up. Then we can head out," Conner responds, "She was checking it to make sure the PowerPoint was perfect."

"I am ready now," I say, grabbing my laptop and William's diaper bags.

"Let's go then, princess. I want to eat a good breakfast before we head over to the school and deal with a bunch of teenagers."

I chuckle at dad and head out of the door. Dad loves Conner, me and my friend Emma and her boyfriend Greg. Other teenagers seem to get on his nerves, especially if they are cocky and know it. I find it funny when a kid gets lippy with him; he puts them in their place and makes them call their parents so that he can tell them that their child was disrespectful. It was pretty funny.

As we sit down in the diner and wait for the waitress to take our order, we discuss what will happen after graduation. Mom and dad asked us when we planned on having the wedding. "I was thinking about early August," I say, then look at Conner.

"So, the first Saturday in August it is," Conner says with a smile.

"Yeah, that way, William can be a ring bearer and walk down the aisle."

"Are you two planning on having another baby after you are married?" mom asked.

"We haven't discussed it, mom."

"Oh," She says, then looks at me, "You know that there is no rush on when to have another child. I was just wondering if you have discussed it."

"Mom, we haven't; Conner and I haven't even had sex yet. But, I am sure we will discuss having more kids in the future," I say.

"There is no rush to have more kids; you are still young. So, I say enjoy your small family and add more kids when you are both ready," dad says.

"I want to get our College courses well underway before we even think about bringing another child into the world," Conner says, making me smile.

Conner and I seem to think along the same line. We talked more about our plans for college and our wedding. Then it is time for us to leave the diner and head to school.

We park in the parking lot. We hand William off to mom and dad. Then Conner and I head into the school. We go to the office where Martha is waiting with Mr. Edwards, the school principal. "Rayna, I am sure you remember Mr. Edwards, Mr. Edwards, this is Conner Fisher, Sarah, and Ryan Cadbury; they are holding Rayna's son William."

"Welcome back to the school Rayna. It has been a while since I have seen you. Nice to meet you all. Do you need time to set everything up, Rayna?" Mr. Edwards asked.

"Yes, a few to set up my PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Edwards, my life before I left this town and school was difficult. What I say today will open many eyes to why I acted the way I did when I was here."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I was molested and then beaten by my dad. My mother and brother verbally abused me. Then a month before I left here, I was raped by a guy that was a guest of my brother, his best friend. I will be speaking about it all today."

"You seem so at ease with everything. How is that so?"

"I found a safe place—a home where I felt loved and wanted. Had a lot of things to work through. I have worked through most of them; I still struggle with some, but I am getting better. My life is so much better now than it ever was. I have met the love of my life and he has been very patient with all the things I am dealing with; he also loves my child and me."

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