Chapter 32

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Rayna's POV

As my mom and I pulled up to the restaurant, we spotted Charlotte arguing with a man who looked old enough to be her father. We sat in the car for a few minutes. Finally, we got out of the car, I open the back door of the car and take William out. I close the door and follow behind mom. I was nervous. I wanted to hide but knew that Charlotte needed me.

"What did I tell you I would do to you and your mom if you went to the cops?" the man yelled.

"I don't care what you did to me back then was wrong and you needed to pay for it," Charlotte yells back.

"You will go to the police and tell them you lied. that I never touched you," the man says, narrowing his eyes at her.

"No, I won't, Jeff. I was twelve years old. You groomed and molested me for years before you raped me. You made my mom turn on me when I needed her the most. The jail time was less than what you deserved," Charlotte yells.

I think I have worked out what has happened to Charlotte. This guy raped her. But she didn't tell me about this one. She told me about the jock who raped her. But not about this guy. Well, she could have but I blocked it out because of a flashback to my rape. As I was running this through my mind, I heard my mom speak, "Charlotte, will you please go into the diner with Rayna and William? I will be right in," Mom tells Charlotte.

"Who in the hell do you think you are? You can't tell her what to do; she is my daughter," Jeff says.

"You are not my dad Jeff. You're not even my stepdad. My mother isn't married to you, you dumbass," Charlotte yells at him.

Jeff raises his hand like he is about to hit Charlotte, "I wouldn't do that if I were you or you will be sorry," Lawson says, clenching his teeth.

"Who in the fuck are you to interfere with me correcting my daughter?"

I take a breath and relax. Thank god Lawson and Conner are here.

"I am not your daughter!"

"You are not her father!"

Lawson and Charlotte shouted at the same time. "Conner takes the ladies into the diner while this scum and I have a word," Lawson says without taking his eyes off Jeff.

"Sure thing, Dad," Conner says, ushering us into the diner.

Once inside the diner, mom takes William from me and has Charlotte follow her to a booth. I follow them, and Conner stops me, "Baby, are you alright?" he asked me.

"Yes, babe, I am fine now. I was a little scared until you and your dad got here," I tell him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I hope we can talk her into leaving with us," I say.

"Me too, baby, me too. I am glad you are okay," Conner says, then adds, "Your dad knows about last night."

"What? How did he find out?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat.

"Dad asked me why we looked so tired. I refused to answer and your dad asked me if we had sex. I didn't want to lie to him, so I told him yes." Conner replies.

"Well, Mom noticed I was tired but had a 'dreamy' look on my face and guessed that we had had sex," I tell him.

"Our parents are tuned to us much more than I thought," he chuckles.

I kiss him, then say, "Let's go check on Charlotte," He grabs my hand and we head to where mom and Charlotte are sitting.

"Rayna, when you left here, did you know where you were going?" Char asked me.

"No, I just climbed in the car and drove. If you want to leave here, you can come and stay with Conner and me. We have the room."

"You guys wouldn't mind?" she asked, looking at Conner and me.

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