Chapter 22

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It has been a few days since Cain's arrest. Since Emma and I put the last touches on my PowerPoint presentation last night, Conner and I were packing to move into our home. In three days, I will be exposing my soul to my High School. I was getting nervous but knew that it could help countless people in the school.

The night that Cain got arrested, Sarah and Ryan let me know that Detective De Monty informed them he would pay my way through college because he believes that I have what it takes to help others that have been through a challenging time. I felt blessed that someone had that much faith in me. How was I going to repay this person? The best way is to make him proud. I will help all the people I can have ever been molested or raped, no matter what age.

The classes that I have online seem to be relatively easy. I cannot wait to get deeper into the courses. I spend that morning doing my online courses and the evening doing the homework if there is any.

Conner and I have decided to move into our home over the weekend. Since Cain is locked up, we don't need to worry about him. I have been packing up William and my things. Packing them in the car as I go. Conner and I went to his parent's house, boxed up his items to be brought to the new place, then had dinner with his parents. Right now, we are sitting in my room watching a movie and cuddling.

"Kitten, tomorrow I do not need to be at the police station. Do you think we could move things into the house?"

"I don't see why we couldn't since we have the time. The cars are already loaded, so it should be pretty quick."

"I can't wait to start our lives in our home," Conner says with a smile.

"Me either. I am excited to establish a routine for the three of us. If we want to get an early start, we need to get to bed soon."

"We need to go to bed right after the movie. So, we will have plenty of sleep."

"Great," I say, kissing him.


The following day, William woke me up around six o'clock. I changed his diaper, dressed him, and fed him for the day. He falls asleep while eating. I put him back in his bed. Once I walk back into my room, I find my clothes for the day, go to the bathroom, and shower.

After my shower, I dress and go down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I find mom in the kitchen, frying bacon. "Good morning, mom," I say as I walk to the cabinet, open it, and pull out a coffee mug.

"Good morning, sweetheart. What are your plans for today?"

"Conner and I are going to move some of our things into our house."

"Great, I will take William to the park and the store with me. He is my little errand buddy, and the ladies at the park love to talk to him."

"Are you sure? We can take him with us. It wouldn't be a problem."

"Rayna, honey, you guys are moving out. I won't get to spend much time with him anymore. I want to spend as much time with him as I can. You and Conner can get more done today if I keep William," mom says with a sad smile.

"Mom, how about the days I have class, I bring William over here for a while. Then I can do my work without being interrupted."

"Are you sure?" she asked with a hopeful smile.

"Yes, mom, I am sure. We need to have a family dinner here once a week. I want us to remain close. Plus, you and dad will always be welcome over at our house."

"Oh, thank you."

"Look at the two most valuable ladies in my life in one room," dad says as he walks up to mom and kisses her. "Good morning, ladies."

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