Chapter 4

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Rayna's POV

The next day, I was on my way to gym class when Allison pushed me into a locker, laughing at me. "Get out of the way, slut.".

This girl is pissing me off. So I shoved Allison back, "Do you honestly think you scare me? I have been through so much crap that you are the last person I fear." I said to her, She stood there just looking at me while I walked past her, bumping her shoulder as I passed by, heading to the gymnasium. Wondering what the hell happened to her to make her this hateful person.

I hear someone walk up beside me. I look over and see Conner staring at me. "What was that about back there?"

"I am sick of taking crap from people. It is time for me to take up for myself. So, what? I have a child. That doesn't mean I am a slut. So, the new me isn't putting up with the bullying shit anymore."

"You should expect to be talked about and called names; you have a kid. The people here are bound to say things," I stop walking.

Seeing red, I asked him, "What is wrong with all you assholes in this school? Not one of you knows what I have been dealing with in my home life. You all think I am a slut because I have a child. Guess what I have heard all the insults and shit my entire life. Your teenage drama shit is getting a little old. Now, please screw off already. Conner, I am not interested in a fuck buddy or a relationship!" I shout as I resume my walk to gym class.

I went into the locker room, changed into my shorts and a t-shirt, then headed to the gymnasium. I took off, running around the outside of the basketball court. By the time everyone else was starting their run, I was on to doing crunches and sit-ups. I am still pissed, and nothing seems to calm me down.

Conner's POV

After Rayna's tiny blow-up, I found myself captivated by her words. What the hell had she gone through for her to react this way? She has a kid; people will assume she is easy and a slut. But, there is something that she is keeping inside or scared to talk about right now. I need to find out what it is.

Allison walks to me, "So you and I have something in common; the slut's upset with us." she smiles.

I glare at her for a moment, "What the fuck is wrong with you? You are such a bitch," I turn and walk into the guy's locker room. I need to find a way into Rayna's life, I thought, as I changed into shorts and a wife-beater. When I walked out to the gym, I noticed Rayna was already out jogging. For a girl that gave birth a few months ago, she looked damn good. She seems to have gotten into shape more since the school year started.

By the time everyone else started their run, she had moved to the center of the room and jumped on situps and crunches. Which soon turned into pushups. As I watched her, I realized I wanted to be friends with her. I want to find out everything there is to know about her. When the rest of the class started on their sit-ups, she jogged again.

Why can't I keep my eyes off her? She is a beautiful girl. "She has a kid, Conner. You need not get mixed up in that." I told myself.

Mikey comes up to me, "Hey, what was that about in the hall earlier?"

"The hell if I know, but I pissed her off. She is sexy as hell, and being pissed made her even sexier," I say with a chuckle.

The rest of the class passes with me deep in my head, recalling everything. When I went back to the locker room, I showered and dressed in a hurry, and waited for the bell to ring. As the bell rang, I rushed out to see if I could catch Rayna before she left.

I see her walking out of the locker room, and standing in the hall. She is with a girl I have seen around but don't know personally. But I heard them say they would meet up at Bed and Breakfast for lunch.

Finding RaynaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon