Chapter 20

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Once we get to the courthouse, we meet Mrs. Stanley is on the steps. "Mrs. Stanley, these are my parents, Sarah and Ryan Cadbury, and my son William."

"Nice to meet y'all; let's get in the building so we can go over what is happening today."

We walk into the building and head to a room, where Martha has us all sit down. She explained how everything was going to work. Then she tells me I will have to sit in the hall and wait until I get called to the stand.

"She can't be out there by herself. Cain Beckerman is still on the run and trying to get his hands on her; I won't allow her to sit out here by herself."

"I understand that, Mr. Cadbury. You can sit out here with her; I will have a deputy out here with you. That way, she is safe."

"Alright, so what time is it starting," I asked.

"In about five minutes, Sarah and Conner can sit in the courtroom with William. Now come on, let's go so I can show you where to sit."

Martha leads us out of the room, leads us down a hall, stops at a group of chairs, tells me to have a seat, and that she would have a deputy meet us here in a few minutes. Conner kisses me and goes into the courtroom with Sarah.

My dad and I sit out in the hall for hours. Finally, I get called to the stand. As I entered the room, I was worried about the people staring at me. I walked to the witness stand. Once there, a bible got placed in front of me. The bailiff asked me to put my hand on it. I did so and got sworn in.

"Please state your name for the Court."

"Rayna Lynn Beckerman."

"Please explain to the courtroom what happened the day and night leading to Travis Mathers attacking you."

"I was in the kitchen cooking dinner...." I explained everything that happened through my tears.

"So, you told him no and got out of your room many times, right?"

"Yes, I did."

"Before any of this happened, did you have any reason to believe that Travis was in love with you? Were you in a relationship with him?"

"No, he always treated me like my parents and brother. I was too scared to be in any kind of relationship. My dad would beat me worse than he already did if he found out."

"So, you did not want to have sex with Travis the night he came into your bedroom."

"You're right; I never wanted to have anything to do with Travis. He was always calling me names when he was at the house with my brother," I say as I wipe tears from my eyes.

"Can you please tell the court what Travis said to you when he came to your house and pulled a gun on you?"

"He told me that having sex with me wasn't rape because he loved me. Since he loved me, it couldn't be rape. I told him I said no and fought him. I didn't want it," I say, crying harder.

"Rayna, I have one more question. Have you ever been in love or wished to have a relationship with Travis?"

"No, I have wanted nothing to do with him. He always treated me like I was worthless," I say.

"I have no further questions for this witness, your honor."

"Your witness," the judge says to Travis's attorney.

Travis' Attorney stands and asks for a sidebar. The D.A. meets the other attorney at the judge's desk. They talk for a few minutes, heading to their seats.

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