Chapter 15

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Monday at school passed by without Allison saying or doing anything to me. Conner, Emma, and I did our warmup. We played basketball and wasted a little time. Then, about fifteen minutes before the end of class, the Coach had us students sit on the floor and pass out the survey. "I am passing out a survey that you need to fill out. You don't have to put your name on it. So, please answer honestly. Take your time, fill it out, change your clothes, and come back here to wait for the bell."

After I filled out my survey, I waited to hand it in until Emma finished; I placed it in a basket and headed to the locker room. Once there, I gathered my things and headed back to the gymnasium. I set off to the side and waited for Conner to join me. Conner joined me shortly after, "That survey had a lot of good questions. I am glad that they have put this into action. I can't wait to see you do the assembly. Have you decided how much of your story you're sharing?"

"I think I will tell them about the molestation and rape, all the details, and that I had gotten pregnant due to it. What do you think?"

"You do what you feel comfortable doing. I will be here with you, no matter what. You are an amazing woman. I love you,"

"I love you,"

Before the kiss ended, the bell rang. We separated and stood up. Conner walked me out to meet Ryan in front of the school. Once there, we kiss. I tell him I will see him when he gets home. I climb into dad's car, and we drive to the bed-and-breakfast.

Once at the Cadbury bed-and-breakfast, dad and I walked into the house. "So, Rayna, how did the kids in gym class react to filling out the survey?"

"They took it pretty well. I didn't hear any talk about it. So, the other students figured it was just the school being nosey. I will ask Conner what got said throughout the day when he gets home."

"Well, there is only a week left before Christmas. Are you going to do a PowerPoint presentation and tell them your story?"

"Yes, I will. I will also make myself available to anyone who needs my help after the assembly. I am a little nervous about all of this, but I can't wait to help others as well."

"I am sure that it will all go great; you are passionate about everything. You know what others are going through because you have been there. Many people will come forward once they realize they aren't alone. Why don't you find your mom and Will? I must get back to work. Talk to you later. I love you, Rayna," dad says, hugging me.

"Yeah, I need to feed him soon. I am sure he is looking for me. I love you too, Dad," hugging him back.

Walking to the kitchen, I find William and mom playing a peek-a-boo game. I stayed back and watched for a while. I was lucky to have found people that love me for me. They don't call me names or beat me. Before learning the story, they didn't judge me for leaving the state when I got pregnant. Here is what a family truly is, even if it is my chosen family. I walk into the room. "Hey, mom, Hi Willy, my boy, how are you both doing today?" I asked and kissed William on his head.

"We are doing great. Will likes to be the one hiding when we play peek-a-boo, but other than that, not much. How was class today? Was there any reaction to the survey handed out?"

"Not that I saw or heard, but I will know for sure when Conner gets home. I can't wait to hear how the people at school reacted to the survey," I say just as William decides it is time for me to feed him. Picking him up, going upstairs to feed William, and taking a nap. I walk up to my room, get myself situated, and William fed. Once he finishes eating, I rock him to sleep, put him in his bed, lie in mine and go right to sleep.

I wake up to my phone ringing. So, I answer it. "Hello," I say.

"May I speak to Rayna Beckerman, please,"

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