Chapter 10

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 The next few days passed by in a blur. I woke up on Thanksgiving Day feeling nervous. It is the first time I get to meet Conner's sisters. Along with other family members. I decided not to think about that right now and focus on getting William fed and dressed for the day. I packed his diaper bag, and I went down to the kitchen. "Hey princess, how is it going?" dad asked as he took Will out of my arms.

"I am okay, just a little nervous about meeting Conner's family. I know his parents like William and me. His sisters are a big part of his life, and I want to make a good impression on them,"

"Honey, just be yourself. I know I say that to you a lot, but it is what you need to do. If you are always yourself, they are meeting the true you,"

"I know, mom, but it is hard to be myself because I was told my whole life that what I thought and said was worthless. I heard it so much that I changed who I was.

"Now that I can be my true self, it is hard. However, I see a significant difference in myself. My boxing coach said that he could see a significant difference in me. He says I show confidence in the way I carry myself and that my smile makes his day when he sees it now because my happiness radiates from me."

"Princess, it's true you are glowing, plus you are always smiling,"

"Thanks, dad. Is Will good here while I get ready to go?"

"He is just fine here with poppy and nan; now go get ready, princess."

I smiled and kissed William, "Thanks, Dad," I said, kissed his forehead, ran over to kiss mom on the cheek, and ran upstairs to find something to wear.

Once I get dressed, I grab my phone and send a quick text to Emma, "Happy Thanksgiving and have an enjoyable time with Greg." Then I ran down to get William's car seat out of my car, so I could put it in Conner's car when he got here. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I get a call. I answered the phone without checking the caller ID.


"Hey Rayna, It's Beau. Happy Thanksgiving. Is there any way that we can meet tomorrow? I need to talk to you about something important,"

"Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. Yes, come to the house for lunch, and we can chat. How have you been?"

"It depends. Things with mom and dad are not good; things with my girl and our baby are great. We will discuss everything tomorrow. I need to head into her family's house. I love you, sis. See you tomorrow." he says, then the phone goes dead.

Forgetting about getting the car seat out of my car, I went to the kitchen, "Hey, I just got a call from Beau. He sounded frantic on the phone. He wants to come by and talk to me tomorrow. So I told him to come by at lunch, and we could talk. I asked him if everything was all right. He said with his girlfriend and the baby, yes, but not so much with Cain and Joan."

I exhale; here it goes. I need to tell mom and dad this. I look over at them, "I didn't tell you both something that I remember at a meeting with my counselor. Cain had me in my bedroom, touching me between my legs. Beau was in a corner with tears in his eyes. Cain told him to come over and touch me the same way he just did. It was normal for a boy to touch a girl there. Beau said that he didn't want to do it. Cain told him that if he didn't, he would be sorry. So, Beau did what Cain wanted him to do. It happened a lot over the next few years. I wonder if Beau finally remembered this, and it is why he wants to meet tomorrow,"

"I don't know, honey; we will have to wait and see."

"Cain is one sick man. He needs to burn in hell. I would love to send him to meet the devil, myself," dad says, pure rage lacing his voice.

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