Chapter 14

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Waking up, I look up to see Conner watching me. He smiled at me, pulling me into a hug. "Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?".

"Honestly, I have never slept better. I think it all has to do with you being here with me," I say, a blush creeping on my cheeks.

He chuckles. "I have been lying here thinking the same thing. What did you mean earlier when you said you know what you want to do? Did you mean career-wise or life-wise?" He asked.

It's my turn to laugh, "Both; I know I want to work with people who have dealt with the same stuff I have as a career. So, I want to be a psychologist specializing in sexual assault victims. But, in life, I want to be the best mom and wife I can be."

"Rayna, you baby girl, are one hell of a mother. I have seen how you are with Will; how his whole face lights up when you talk to him, how he follows you with his eyes when someone else is holding him. If you were a bad mom, that little guy would not be the happy boy he is. You will be a great wife. I am sure of it. Why don't you jump in the shower and get ready for the day? I will check on William and get him ready if he is awake. If Willam is sleeping, I will go to my room and get my stuff ready for my shower."

"Sounds good to me; now kiss me, love,"

He rolls over on his side and bends his head to connect our lips. Once our lips touch, I want more. I deepen the kiss and let a little moan out. Conner pulls back and looks me in the eye.

"That sound coming from you makes me want to do things to you; things I know you're not ready for yet, so, right now, I will kiss the heck out of you," Conner says while trying to catch his breath.

"I think I am ready for a little more than just kissing. I want you to be the one I experiment with," I whisper.

"All in due time, babe, all in due time," Conner says.

After William and I were bathed and ready to go, we went to the kitchen. We were waiting for Conner. We are going to talk to our parents about our future careers. I was surprised that Conner wanted to be a sexual assault Detective. He wants to help victims get the justice they deserve. I also knew that seeing how I struggled with the molestation and rape helped him choose. I hope that the discussion goes well with his mom and dad. My parents will be happy that I have plans after high school. They will be thrilled that I am not letting being a teen mom hold me back.

I was getting ready to look for mom and dad when my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, so I let the call go to voicemail. Then, after a few minutes, I checked my voicemail to see who had called.

"Rayna, this is Mr. Heights. The school board and I have put a list of survey questions together. We will be having the students fill them out Monday morning. Then we would like you to sit with us as we sort them out on Tuesday after your class. After that, we will schedule an assembly for the first day after Christmas break. Please let me know if this works for you by calling or texting me, whichever is best for you. Thank you, Rayna. I'll be waiting to hear from you soon," the voicemail ends.

I text Mr. Heights back.

Rayna: Mr. Heights, I will go to the

conference room Tuesday

after gym class.

Mr. Heights: Good, I will see you then.

Rayna: Thank you for

this opportunity.

Minutes after I finished the text, mom, dad, and Conner entered the kitchen. I smiled, "Hey, you all, I want you to listen to this voicemail. It is from Mr. Heights." I say as I play the message. After it was over, dad and mom looked proud of me.

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