Chapter 8

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Rayna's POV

I climbed into Conners' car and drove home. Once at home, Sarah asked, "So, are you nervous about your date tonight?" I smile.

"A lot happened this morning; Conner asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. Then, when we were in gym class, Allison, the girl bullying me, came up to Conner. She called me a slut and William a bastard; it pissed Conner off. So he put her in her place. He told me that William is his son, and it's his job to protect him and me. I am extremely excited about the date tonight. Will you help me pick out an outfit? And I want to cook dinner and stuff after Will and I get back from picking Conner up." I rambled on nervously.

I'm so nervous about the date but spent time with William and mom while picking out an outfit. We settled on a black baby doll dress that fits my body well. Mom will help me do my hair and watch William for me. "Mom, I have never had a boyfriend before. I am nervous about what he will expect of me. However, I know he respects me and will never push me to do anything I am not ready to do. Do you have anything to tell me about having a boyfriend?"

"Rayna, just be yourself, let everything happen naturally, don't force it. Conner is interested in you and knows what and who you are. He knows Willy will come first no matter what. He knows about your past and accepts you for you. As I said, be yourself."

William had cried, so I went to get him fed and changed. Then, I got him ready for when we had to pick up Conner. William is four months old now, so he enjoyed checking out what was happening. As we reached the bottom steps, he spotted his nan. He started chattering, which made me giggle, and mom laugh.

"Hey there, Will, how is my little man doing?" she says to him, and he just jabbers and moves his arms. "Wow, I am glad to hear it, Willy. Are you looking forward to going bye-bye with your mommy today? Mommy is excited to bring you to her school to pick Conner up." mom said. At the mention of Conner's name, William got excited and looked around. I could tell that William wanted to see Conner. It makes me happy that William, as a baby, seems to love Conner.

"Nana, I think Willy here wants to see Conner," I say while smiling down at William.

It was soon time to get William in the car to pick Conner up. I first had to make sure that I had the base of Williams' car seat in tight. I then grabbed William and put him in his car seat. "Alright, Willy, let's go get Conner," I said as I grabbed the car seat and carried it to the car. Set the car seat in the base, hearing it snap in place. I climbed in behind the wheel and started the car, backing out of the drive.

Once at the school, I parked in front of the doors and got myself and William out. I stood beside the car, and we waited for Conner to come out of the building. As soon as William spotted Conner, he got excited and jabbered and reached for him. "I think someone missed their daddy," Conner cooed to William. My heart started racing; he thinks of Will as his son. I was so focused on Conner and Willy's interaction that I didn't notice Mikey standing next to Conner until he spoke to me.

"Hi, Rayna. How are you?"

"I am good. How about yourself?"

"I am good. I cannot believe Conner here let you drive his car. He won't even let his parents drive that thing. You must be special."

With Willy in his arms, Conner reached over to hug me, "She is very special to me, and so is our son," Conner said while kissing Will, making him giggle. "Rayna, this is Mikey. He is my best friend most of the time. Later, Mikey, I need to get my family out of the cold. Come on, baby girl, let us get you both warmed up."

Once we got William back in his car seat, Conner opened the passenger door for me. I got in and buckled up while Conner closed my door and rushed around to climb into the driver's side. "How has your day been since I saw you this morning, baby girl?" Conner asked me as we drove off toward my house.

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