Chapter Four - Save it

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(Natalie's POV)

After Harry had spilled water on himself we just layed on the floor. (Like the picture on your right). We were just starring at the ceiling.


"Yes big bottom?"

"What would you be doing right now if we weren't here trapped?"

"I would probably be...getting ready for my date..."

"Where were you going to take her?"

"For a posh lunch and then to a big New Years Eve party. She was going to be my New Year's kiss."

"She must be quite a special girl..."

"Not really." Not believing his answer I sat up. Why would you go to all that trouble for a girl if she isn't special or something?

"Then why are you doing all of that?"

"I just wanted a date for New Years..."

"So what type of girl does THE Harry Styles look for?"

"I how about you?"

"How about what?

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Nope, im focusing in my career. After I get what I want ill look for someone."

"What if you meet the right guy at the wrong moment?"

"Then he's the wrong guy."

(Harry's POV)

"Then he's the wrong guy." I was about to tell her something when my phone rang? I got up quick and got my phone that was on the chair. I picked it up and it was Louis! Yes! Were saved!!

"Hello? Lou?"

"Hazza! Where the hell are you! Im worried!"


"Your date got here. What do you want me to do? Should I tell her you died?" I was trying to talk to himbut the guy wouldn't shut up!

"Louis! Listen!"

"Hey I gotta go bro. Eleanor and I are going out in a bit. Bye!"

"No wait Lo- Damn it! He didnt listen! How the hell are we going to get out of here?!" I yelled mad.

"Hey relax okay? Dont worry everything will be fine." Big bottom told me trying to comfort me. It didn't work.

"Fine? No it wont! You havent seen my date! She's so fit and now I wont get to enjoy my time with her! Instead im stuck here with, with you!"  After the words escaped my mouth I noticed what I had done. "Shit. Im sorry I didnt mean it that way."

"Save it. You know for what it was worth I actually enjoyed being here with you. Sorry I couldn't be as fit or as whatever as she is to entertain you. And to think I was changing my mind of you...HUGE dissapointment. You're the same vane, superficial, and selfish person I thought you were."

"Wait big bo-

"DONT call me that." she snapped at me and layed down on the little sofa.

Minutes after our small discussion she had fallen asleep. What was I going to do now? I searched around the room to see what I could do. I looked at my phone. At first I thought I could play Temple Run or something but then the battery could die and it would be worse. I kept scanning the room and found myself looking at the book. The book Big Bottom wrote. Curiosity got the best of me.

She's asleep. What better time to read her book if not now? I grabbed her book and sat on the chair. I opened the book and it said 'To Joe' . Joe? Whoe the hell is Joe? She dedicated her book to a guy so he must be special.

On the next page it said 'Based on a true story.' The book has 256 pages. Damn, she really must love writing. Okay, page one...

(Natalie's POV)

I was so mad about what Harry had said. Sex, sex, sex!!! That's all boysthink about. They get the pretty girls with perfect everything, except personality or good feelings. Then  they say all the girls are the same or whatever. Hello!!!! They PICK the wrong girls. Try picking another one with agood heart. Mabe SHE will be better to you.

I just hate that statement the guys make. All girls are the same. No! There not! Im not! They could say Most girls are the same. But not all of them!

The same with guys. Most of them are the same,but not ALL of them. If they were all the same,we'd be in some deep ****.

Anyways, I was so mad at out conversation that I fell asleep. Finally, I woke up. I took a glimpse at my watch. I slept for two hours. I sat up straight and stretched. Then, I heard something.


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