Chapter Eighteen - Yes! She's Gone!!

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(Harry's POV)

"What's the hustle?" I asked Louis and Eleanor who were also heading for the table.

"I have no idea." Eleanor answered.

Apparently not many people knew what the hustle was so all of us sat on our table.

"Hey it's Madison." Eleanor said.

"Who?" I asked in confusion.

"It's not Madison it's Natalie." Perrie corrected her.

"Oh right." Eleanor said giggling at her mistake.

My eyes landed on the dance floor and I spotted Natalie. She was there with an older woman, both laughing. The old woman whispered something to Natalie and she nodded.

"Let's do the hustle!" the DJ exclaimed once again and then the music started.

(Natalie's POV)

Dancing was actually very fun. After we danced the hustle the DJ played some techno music and the dance floor was packed.

"I love this song!" My grandma Betty exclaimed, smiling.

"Nice moves." I complemented her laughing.

"What a hunk!" my grandmother said raising her eyebrows, still dancing to the beat.

I looked back and saw Harry and his date coming to the dance floor.

I switched back and caught my grandma saying hi and winking at him. He caught her winking and I looked back to my grandma.

"Grandma!" I widened my eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Call me Betty, and remember I'm your older sister." she smiled.

"Betty then. He has a girlfriend you know."

"Please, he wouldn't be with a girl like that..." my grandma shook her head.

We both looked back to Harry and Katie's location to find them kissing.

"Guess I was wrong." My grandma states.

"So was I..."

"Listen grandma um...I'm not feeling very well. I'm gonna go to the room for a bit okay?"

"Okay sweetheart, but please come down for the countdown okay?"

"Okay." I nodded.

"Got the key?"

"Yeah." I nodded and left the dance floor.

(Harry's POV)

"Come on Harry, that stupid dance is over. Let's dance!" Katie whined.

"Fine, let's go." I told her. We walked to the dance floor and she grabbed my hand. I tried to slip out but she had a tight grip. As we were entering the dance floor, I noticed a little old lady winking and saying hi. I smiled a bit confused and then noticed that was the old woman dancing with Natalie.

Natalie and I glanced for merely a few seconds, then I lost sight of her since Katie was being clingy.

"I really like you Harry. and sine I like you i'm going to do this." and then she kissed me?!

"What are you doing?" I asked getting her pushing her away a bit.

"Hold that thought." she said and she answered her phone.

We walked out of the dance floor and as she talked on the phone I scanned the room and leaving the party was non other than Natalie. Why is she leaving?

"Okay so baby? I have to go now so can you give me a ride home so I can solve the problem and maybe after words we coul-

"Why don't I call you a cab?" I told her getting her off the subject. "Here, come on."  I told her guiding her by holding her shoulders.

"Wel...i'll be back if I can...and then maybe we can go to your room an-

"Excuse me sir, please get this pretty lady a cab ride will you? Thank you." I told the valet.

"Harry?" she asked. "Aren't you gonna kiss me good-bye?"

"I'll call you later okay? Bye." I told Katie when the taxi was driven in front of the hotel.

"Okay, bye baby." she winked, got in and left.

Yes! She's gone!!

I walked back inside and walked to find Natalie saying good-bye to Eleanor and walking towards the hotel.

I walked quick, more like jogged, towards her and was able to catch up with her.

"Just one." I told her.

"Harry? Where's Katie?"

"She left, now come on and dance with me."

"I'm not feeling very well..."

"Just one, please?"


Please comment and vote!! Sorry it was short but I have to study and don't worry i'm already working on the other one, which will be up tomorrow in the afternoon!

AND, this chapter is dedicated to @HLuvsHaz !! (sorry it took so long to update!)

I'm already on my second week of school, who started school already?? Comment that below!!

Love you all my little jelly-bellies!!

-Ive Xox

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