Chapter Fourteen - Closet monsters and bathroom breaks

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(Natalie's POV)

"Come here sweety, I found the perfect dress." my grandma told me.

I opened the bathroom door and closed it behind me.

"Grandma?" I asked. "What dress grandma?"

Oh god where is she?

"Grandma Betty?!" I called out now nervous. Where the hell could she be?!!

I opened the closet door and grandma scared the freakin shit out of me, making me fall on my butt.

"What the hell?!" I asked, making her laugh and giggle even more.

"It wasn't that funny grandma." I stated.

Out of know where we start laughing uncontrollably on each others shoulders.

After our laugh, I asked grandma; "So, where's the dress you where talking about?"

"Here, take a look." she told me as we walked inside the walk-in closet.

"Wow." I said in awe. "That dress is...isnt that mom's?"

"You're wearing it."

"But mom would never ev-"

"You're wearing this, I'll handle your mom." she told me, I agreed.

After looking at the dress, grandma offered to do my hair.



"Why didn't you want to go to the party?"

"It's kind of stupid." I shook my head slightly, sighing.

"I bet it isn't." my Grandma told me seriously. "Now tell me."

"Well, its...see there's this guy..."

"Boy trouble. I'm an expert, go on."

"I met this guy just today and we talked about...well everything I suppose. And it's really weird but I kind of miss him...Is that weird?"

"No, not at all."

"Anyways, we might never see each other again."

"Why is that?" my grandma asked fixing my hair.

"Because. He is way, way out of my league. He's one of mom's clients."

"You know, when I met your grandfather he was.." she started and chuckled. "He had the worst summer job, he worked for my father."

"Really? I didn't know that."

"My father was the average businessman. He was very strict and had a lot of rules and" grandma chuckled once again.

"Anyways, that summer I was coming back from the grocery store, when I see your grandpa in the kitchen, so I panicked. I thought he broke in and when I got inside and put both bags down on the floor and I tip toed to the kitchen and found him with the fridge open. And then I smacked him in the head." she laughed.

"Oh my god!" I laughed.

"The water fell and the glass broke and" she chuckled once again, putting a bobby pin in my hair. "A huge mess everywhere."

"Then he explained I said I was sorry and we laughed and I cleaned up the mess, there were some tears."

"Why did you cry?"

"Oh no honey, your grandpa was the one crying not me. And I smacked him so hard, he remained with the little bump in the shape of my ring." she continued to laugh. "That very night we shared our first kiss." she smiled.

"Does mom know that?"

"Yeah, I told her when she was around your age." 

I thought about her story, about when she and grandpa met. Maybe there's hope that some day I'll see Harry again.

"Just a little piece of advice: Never say never."

"Why the Bieber reference?" I asked laughing.

"Hail the Biebs man." she responded. " Now hurry up and get that dress on! You have a party to go to."

(Harry's POV)

This party has been okay so far. Once Katie and I got in we greeted a couple of celebrities and sat on our table.

"Let dance." Katie suggested.

"I'm not really in the mood for dancing Katie."

"Okay you want to kiss me now?"

"Why don't I get us some drinks?" I suggested.

She sighed; "Fine."

I got us a couple of drinks and walked back to the table. Minutes later the lads arrived and sat with us.

"I'm going to the buffet quick." Niall stated, walking standing up and walking towards the buffet table with his date.

"I'm hitting the dance floor." Louis said standing up. "Come beautiful."

 Eleanor stood up as well but Lou spoke once again; "Not you beautiful, you beautiful." he said pointing at me.

Eleanor giggled and kissed his cheek, sitting down once again.

"Just one dance, don't worry I wont steal your man." I told Eleanor, making her laugh even more.

"Next dance is you and me baby." Katie told me winking. I gave her a half smile and walked towards the dance floor with Louis.

To get things more awkward this was a slow song...meaning a slow dance.

"We're screwed you know?"

"Yeah, fans are going to be tweeting about Larry like crazy." I told him chuckling a bit.

"May I ask what is wrong with you? You're usually so happy at New Years."

"I just can't get her out of my mind." I explained.

"Dip me." he said and I obeyed laughing. "At least look like you're having the time of your life okay? Just try and if not go home, it doesn't matter if you miss one party."

"Fine then."

After Louis' and I's weird slow dancing, we walked back to a table filled with laughter from the boys and our dates.

"My turn?" Eleanor asked and Lou nodded, both heading to the dance floor.

"Harry?" Katie asked for me.

"What is it Katie?"

"Dance with me?"

"Fine." I told her and walked with her towards the dance floor.

A slow song played, we danced.

"Don't you ju-

That's all I heard from Katie. I can't focus on her when i'm focusing on my thoughts. Just thinking and thinking, making my head throb.

"I have to pee." I told Katie.

"Can't we finish this dance first?" she suggested making me glare at her. "Fine, go. I'll wait for you at the table" She told me leaning in to kiss me. I saw her lips come close and instantly walked away, heading to the bathroom.

I want to leave, NOW.



SO, do you guys like grandma? I like imaginary grandma n.n

ANYWAYS, this chapter is dedicated to  

*drumroll please*

@caetlin01 for first comment!!

And shout out to:

@abbey9993 & @Zarry_is_a_babe

Love u all!! -Ive Xx

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