Chapter Nineteen - "Just one."

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  • Dedicated to Vanessa

(Natalie's POV)

"Just one, please?" Harry asked me.

"Just one." I answered.

"M'lady." he offered me his arm.

I inter whined my arm with his and we walked to the dance floor.

The techno song ended and the DJ announced: "Now this is one of my favorites. Get your loved ones people."

And then the song started....

I don't think you understand THE song started., the same one Harry and I slow danced to at the office.

"Fate?" Harry asked, guessing the reason the song was being played.

"'You are so corny." I laughed, shaking my head.

"You look beautiful Big Bottom." he told me, giving me a delightful smirk.

"Thanks." I smiled. He has this great effect on me, I just feel all tingly inside. I love it when he compliments me. "You look very handsome too."

"Want to hear a joke?"


"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Noah who?"

"Noah good place where we can eat?"

"Oh God." I say then start laughing on his shoulder, making me hug him and remain that way. I could listen to him chuckle, and he smells so good!!

I could definitely get used to this...

"Your so funny Harry." I chuckled, whispering and took a deep breath to stop the laughing.

"So...did you get the book on time?" Harry brought up.

"Actually...when I got there she told me she didn't want to publish it anymore."

"I'm so sorry..."

"I'll just have to find another way." I said then shrugged.

"Just don't stop trying. It's a great book and it's deserved to be read."

"You really think so?"

"Yes, it's brilliant."

"Thank you."

Right then the song ended.

"Thanks for the dance. Um...I guess i'll go to my room now. Nice seeing you again Harry." Why did I just say that?! I don't actually want to go to my room! Stop me Harry!

"Why don't you stay for a bit more? I mean, being completely honest with you I don't think we'll ever actually see each other again so why not make this night worth while?"

"Well...I suppose you're right...Okay, sure. Why not?"            

"So do you Noah good place to eat?" he asked be being funny.

I laughed at his joke as we walked out of the dance floor.

"You know, i'm starved. I was going to eat but my grandma made me come here so I ate nothing." I commented.

"I haven't eaten anything either. Let's go to the buffet."

We walked to the buffet, got our food and walked back to the table.

"You look beautiful." Harry complemented me once again.

"Thanks." I smiled and sat down next to Harry.

(Harry's POV)

"Thanks." Natalie blushed and sat next to me.

She looks breathtaking.

"I am starved." Niall said as he and his date sat on the table. Not two minutes had passed and all the lads and their dates were already sitting with us.

"I loved how you danced the hustle thing." Perrie told Natalie.

"Thanks, my grandma showed me that dance." Natalie responded. "Harry? Did you tell them the joke about Noah?" she asked me.

"Oh right, right. Knock knock."

"Who's there?" Liam asked.


"Noah who?

"Noah good place to eat?" I answered and Natalie laughed continuously.

She has such a great laugh...

"Okay, wait. I got one. Ready guys?" she asked and we all nodded.

"Knock, knock."

"Who's there?" I asked her.


"Etch who?"

"Bless you!" she answered.

Both her and I bursted into laughter while the rest of the lads looked at us funny.

"I don't get it." Jane said.

"It's like you sneezed, etch who."' Liam explained.

"Wow, both of you can't make jokes." Louis said shaking his head smiling at us.

"Now that was awesome. I'll have to remember that for a concert." I told Natalie whom was trying to hold in her laughter.

"Hey lads, I need you to perform one more song. Get ready, you go in ten." Simon told us and then left the area.

"I'll be back in a few Nat." I told Natalie. "Then I came close and in her ear I whispered. "This one is for you."


Sorry I didn't update Friday, I got home late and then had to study but here's the update now n.n I hope y'all enjoy it and please comment and vote.

This chapter is dedicated to my best friend Vanessa!! Love you baby!! n_n


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