Chapter Fifteen - The Red Carpet?

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BTW: The picture of Natalie is in the 14th chapter and her dress is on this chapter

(Harry's POV)

I want to leave, NOW.

I walked to Simon's location to tell him I'm leaving.

Walking around for a bit I found him talking with a woman next to him.

"Hello, excuse me but Simon I need to talk to you." I told him.

"Excuse me." he told the lady then gave me his full attention.

"I have to get my daughter, be right back." she told him.

"I want to leave, I have a headache." I told him once she left.

"Im sorry but you can't leave without performing a song."

"But you never said anything about perfoming a song tonight."

"All of the artists here are going to perform a song." he told me. " And if you would have known if you went to the promoter on time."

"When do we perform?"

"In.." he glanced at his clock. "Ten minutes, gather up the boys and get ready." he demanded.

(Natalie's POV)

"Im going to apply my make-up now okay grandma?" I told her while she was on the bathroom.

"Okay honey." she told me.

I did my make up and added some finishing touches.

"Im ready."

"One second." grandma said opening the bathroom door.

"You're coming too?" I asked her since she was wearing a dress as well.

"Yes, now zip me up." she turned around and I pulled her sipper up. "Now im going to do my make up quick and you call your mother."

"Okay." I got my phone and dialed mom's number.

"Hello?" Mom answered the phone. I could hear the music playing in the background.

"Hey mom, listen..I changed my mind. Im going to the party."

"That's wonderful sweety. One second." she excused herself before talking to a man in the background.  "Just call me when you're up front okay? Im sending a limosine right away."

"Oh and mom?"


"Grandma's coming."

"Oh um...I, well sure fine i'll have to pull a few strings but okay just make sure she doesnt go all nuts when she sees the celebrities okay?"

"Okay i'll tell her."

"Great, see you ion a few. Bye."


"I told mom we're going."

"Okay, im done."

"Mom's sending a limo."

"Fancy." grandma said wiggling her eye brows.

"Now grandma we need to talk about your behavior."

"Yes mom?" she said sarcastically.

"Just so you know we are going to be seeing quite a few celebrities...I need you to promise me that you will keep the fangirling to yourself okay?"

"Question, will Justin be there?" she asked widening her eyes.


"I'll want a picture."

"Grandma." I warned her.

"Oh come on. Besides he wont be able to resist me, i'm a cute gal." she smiled.

"He'll have to be careful not to fall in love with you." I chuckled.

"Just so we're clear i'm not your grandma. Im your aunt. In fact no, no...i'm your older sister." she smiled in approval.

"No one is going to believe that."

"Just go with the flow."

In a matter of minutes the limo had arrived.

Grandma and I got in the limo and arrived to the party.

"Did you call your mom?"

"Yeah, she told me she'll be here in a few." I told grandma.

"Where's the entrance?" she asked me getting out of the limo, me holding her purse for her.

"I have no idea." I told her and got a call from mom.


"I'm waiting for you at the entrace."

"And the entrance is where exactly?"

"You have to go through the carpet."

"The red carpet?"

"The one and only."

"Okay." I told her nervous and hung up.

"We have to go through the red carpet."

"Oh that's perfect." grandma Betty commented walking ahead.

"But how do we walk there an-

"Just act like you're it's your party. Follow my lead." she smiled. We interwined our arms and headed on.

Walking through the carpet was weird.

Flashes everywhere and celebrities on every corner.

A woman asked us who was I wearing and I answered my mom's dress and now that I'm thinking about it I should've said Prada or something.

We managed go go through and met up with my mom.

"Hey." she said hugging me, then my grandma. "You both look stunning."

"Thank you, so do you." I told her.

"Isn't that my dress?" she asked.

"Yes it is." grandma told her.

"What did I tell you about borrowing things without permission?" she asked with her arms crossed.

"Let her wear the dress, it's New Years. Be cheerful."

"Just don't get any stains on it." my mom warned me."Here, follow me. I want you to meet someone."


Sorry if it was short but the other one will be longer.

This chappie is edicated to

@O_n_i_c_k_0  (Sorry if written wrong)

Shoutouts to: @irishgirl_chloe & @mandyluvyou

-Ive Xxx

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